Mos Eisley Cantina

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The Speeder ride back to where her mother was was a silent one. Serenity only tried to comfort him once with no success.
"There was nothing you coulda done Luke, you would've been killed too. R2 and 3PO would be in the hands of the Empire which wouldn't be good for the Rebellion." Luke said nothing which made her shut up.

Her father had arrived to the spot and was standing beside Zayli. Luke got out of the Speeder as did Serenity.
"I want to come with you to Alderaan. There's nothing for me here now. I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father and Seren." He looked up at the old man. Serenity smiled. He wanted to be a Jedi like her. Ben placed a hand on his shoulder and they walked toward Luke's Speeder.
"Mother are you coming to Alderaan?" She asked Zayli.
"No, this is an adventure for you and your father. Not me." She smiles kindly. "I'll be here when you get back. Ben brought you you're Speeder. I sensed Luke was going to come eventually so I told him to bring it."

Serenity runs over to Zayli and gives her a tight hug.
"Goodbye Mom, I love you. I'll see you when I get back."
"Goodbye my sweet Serenity. Have fun. You deserve a little adventure." She giggles.

Serenity looked at her mother's old, worn face. Her physical features may have appeared old but, inside, she was still the young, sarcastic women her father fell in love with. Serenity hopped into her Speeder and followed Luke.

Looking back, she saw her mother's figure waving at her. She waved back with a grin on her face.

The Speeder in front of her stopped.
"Why did they stop?" She asks herself. She sees Luke and Ben step out and look over the cliff. She jumps out and walks up beside the pair.
"Mos Eisley spaceport." Ben said. "You will never find a more wretched hide of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." He concludes.
"Huh. Sounds like fun." She jokes, much to the disappointment of her father who gives her a disapproving glance. She returned to her Speeder and started it up.

They arrived at Mos Eisley but were stopped by Stormtroopers inspecting everyone who came in and exited. Obviously, they were looking for something.

She couldn't hear the conversation between her father and the Stormtrooper but what she could she was her fathers hand waving in a small semi-circle. He was using a Jedi mind trick. Typical. She smiled and laughed quietly. Her smile disappeared as she was stopped by the Trooper.
"I'm with the people in front of me." She simply states and tries to move forward but the Trooper put his arm out.
"I need to see you identification." The Trooper orders.
"You don't need to see my identification." She waves her hand, copying her father.
"I beg your pardon?" He asks, quite angrily. It must not have worked. She takes a deep breath, focuses and tries again.
"You do not need to see my identification."
"I do not need to see your identification." He repeats.
"You will let me pass through."
"I will let you pass through." He does so and Serenity pulls ahead. She parks the Speeder and ambles up to the pair.
"I don't understand how we got past those Troops. I thought we were dead!" He exclaims.
"The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded." Ben explains.
"Basically meaning, the Force can outsmart the stupid." Serenity jokes.
Her father turns around and chuckles lightly, "You're just like your mother."
"You really think we're going to find a pilot here that will take us to Alderaan." Luke asks.
"Hopefully." Serenity places her hands on her hips.
"Most of the best freighter pilots can be found around her. Although, watch your step this place can be a little...rough." He says to the young pair.
"Don't worry, father." She pats her lightsaber nestled on her belt. "I gotta lightsaber and I know how to use it." She winks her hazel eye at Luke.

Luke rolled his eyes but he still smiled. Serenity was different from other people, in looks and in personality. She had two different eye colours. One bright blue and one a darker hazel. He never really knew which eye to look at when he first met her. It was like looking at two separate people. Her personality was special as well. She could crack a joke in any situation and still earn a laugh or two but she could be serious when she wanted to. And Force help you, if you ever annoyed her. She'd slice you and half and he doesn't mean with her lightsaber, he means with her icy glare.

"I'm ready for anything!" Luke nods and they walk into the Cantina.
"Come along R2." 3PO orders the little droid.

Walking into the Cantina made Serenity's skin crawl. Anything could happen here and nobody would pay no mind. She looked at all the life forms. Some were sitting down and talking, most were standing at the bar waiting for a drink. She saw her father talking with a tall Wookie. She and Luke said nothing as they walked down the steps.
"Hey! We don't serve their kind here!" The bartender shouted at them, making Serenity jump out of her skin. He was pointing at the droids.
"What?" Luke asked him confused.
"Your droids. They'll have to wait outside. We don't want them here."
"Why don't you wait out by the Speeders." Luke suggests to 3PO.
"Yeah, we don't want any trouble." She pats his metal shoulder.
"I heartily agree, miss." He walks out of the Cantina with R2 on his heels.

They walked over to the bar. Serenity stood next to her father and Luke stood next to her. He tugs on the shirt of the bartender. That's a horrible idea. She thinks.
"I'll have one of those." Luke points to a drink. The bartender gives it to him.
"You want anything pretty girl?" He smiles creepily at her. She held back a gag.

She never thought she had a pretty face but I guess she was the prettiest thing he's seen in this dump.
"No, thank you. I'm fine." She forces a polite smile onto her face.

Luke sensed her discomfort and protectingly shuffled closer to her. The bartender shrugs and continues to work. She felt her father glare at him. Serenity watches as an alien grabs Luke's shoulder and started grunting at him. Luke turned back around and shook his head, only to be grabbed my another hand.
"He doesn't like you." A life form with an ugly piggish nose says.
"I'm sorry." Luke apologizes and turns back around.
"I don't like you either." He grabs Luke again. Serenity clenches her jaw slightly. "You just watch yourself. We're wanted men. I have the death sentence on twelve systems."
"I'll be careful then." Luke nods.
"You'll be dead!" Serenity can sense the life form getting more agitated and decides to intervene.
"Hey knock it off! He's not worth the effort." Serenity pulls Luke closer to her. "Let me get you something."
"Aah!" The thing yells and pushes Luke into a table. He falls and knocks it over. Ben turns around surprised. The thing pulled out his blaster and shoots but Serenity had taken out her lightsaber and blocked the shot. She swipes the blade and cuts off his arm. Pig Nose screams in pain. She stands there and looks around. Everyone is silent but resumes their conversations. She deactivates her lightsaber and rushes over to Luke.

Serenity outstretches her hand and helps Luke up.
"I'm alright." He grunts. "Thanks for the help Seren." He grins at her.
"No problem." She smiles back.
"Chewbacca here is the first mate of a ship that might suit us." Ben whispers.
"Great. Hopefully the pilot is a little more nice then...him." She looks over to the thing that attacked her and Luke.
"Yeah, I agree." Luke says.

A/N: Hello there! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. The next few chapters might come out slow this week. I have a dance camp that might prevent me from writing. But I will try to find time to write!

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