Ewok Friends

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Serenity awoke to the feeling of a stick poking her back. Her eyes fluttered open to a small something jabbing at her. She bolts upright with a gasp but is immediately met with a pain in her head.
"Ow." She grimaced and held the back of her head. "At least I'm in one piece." She mumbles and looks up to the small thing holding the pointed stick in front of him, growling. Serenity recognizes it as a Ewok. "Hello there." She grins. "You're a cute little thing." The Ewok is still holding his weapon in a protective stance.

Serenity feels around for her saber only to find it's not on her belt. She inwardly groans and starts to look around for it in the grass. She spots it but the Ewok has already picked it up and is inspecting it. Serenity gasps at what might happen if it accidentally ignited it.
"Oh no, no, no, no!" She lifted her hand and used the Force to get it out of the Ewok's paws and into her hand. The Ewok was startled at the floating cylinder and grabbed his stick, growling at it as the saber fell into her hand. She giggles, "You woulda been in a lot more trouble if you turned it on silly." The Ewok doesn't seem to understand.

Serenity stands up despite the slight dizziness and sits on a fallen log. The Ewok watches carefully stick ready to strike. Serenity laughs.
"I'm not going to hurt you little guy. Come sit." She pats the moss beside her to which the Ewok growls. Serenity gets an idea.
"Here. Are you hungry?" She holds out a cracker that was in her pocket. The Ewok looks curious and slowly walks toward her. "Go on. Take it." She waves the cracker. The Ewok takes it and bites into it. He nods and says something in his language before finally sitting down next to Serenity. "It's good huh? See? I'm not so bad." She then lifts her lightsaber and inspects it for any damage. The Ewok got scared off. "Oh. It's alright. My saber won't hurt you unless I turn it on which I'm not going to. It's a deep blue colour, like my father used to have. I'm a Jedi...but I don't suppose you know what that is." She shows the Ewok her saber.

Serenity sighs, "Where am I? More importantly where is everybody else?" She asked herself. "Maybe you can help me find them." The Ewok steps towards her then looks around, like danger is near. "What is it?!"

Suddenly a blaster bolt wizzes over the top of Serenity's head. She gasps as her and the Ewok roll of the log. Serenity ignites her lightsaber, it's familiar hum filling the air. The Ewok hides underneath the log. Serenity hears another blaster shot and blocks it. No sound is heard for awhile. Serenity sense danger.
"Freeze!" She turns to see a blaster pointed at her forehead but she doesn't freeze. She slices the lightsaber through the Trooper and then looks to see another one taking off. She grabs the blaster of the fallen Trooper and shoots at the Speeder bike until it explodes.

Serenity blows out a breath of relief. The Ewok has ended up back on top of the log. "Come on buddy, let's get out of here." She says to the tan coloured Ewok as she lifts him down from the log. "Can I call you Buddy?" She asks him while he grabs her hand. The Ewok doesn't protest. "Buddy it is then." She nods as they walk.

Buddy then stops and points the other way saying something in his language. He starts pulling her they way he wants to go.
"Alright, alright!" She chuckles. "We'll go the way you want."

"Oh! Th-Thank you!" Serenity exclaimed as an Ewok gave her a cup of water. Buddy had taken Serenity to his Ewok village and introduced her to his friends. Serenity was now sitting in a large hut, sipping on her water while Ewoks eyed her with curiosity. Serenity then saw a familiar face being led by a short brown Ewok.
"Leia?!" She stood up quickly scaring all the Ewoks around her except Buddy who had warmed up to her.
"Seren?! What are you doing here?!" She ran up to Serenity making all the Ewoks growl quietly. Leia and Serenity hugged tightly.
"I was shot off my bike. What about you?"
"Me too...oh no! Luke and Han are going to come look for us. We have to go back!" Leia exclaims but a scarred hand on her wrist stops her.
"We have to stay here. If we go look for them they're gonna have a hard time looking for us."
"You're right." Leia nods and sits down beside her. Two Ewoks come in holding clothes made for them. Leia takes them gratefully while Serenity politely declines.
"As much as I love those...I must stay in my Jedi clothes. Thank you though." She smiles.
"Take a chance Seren." Leia giggles as she gets up to go change.
"No. I-" The Ewok pushes the clothes into her arms. "Alright, alright."

She goes off to change and she does it quickly. She pulls on the almost green fabric dress and looks down at it. It had a high-low skirt that showed off a bit her legs. The fabric was cut in multiple slits in the front making it easier to move in. She tied the little strings at her chest together making a cute bow. The perfect fit of the dress made her chest more prominent. Her eyes widened since she was so used to her loosely-fitted blouse not showing her chest so much.

When Serenity stepped out, all the Ewok's turned "oohing and aahing" Serenity turned pink at the attention. She sat down again and waited for Leia.

A tall Ewok behind her removed her hair elastic that held her hair back into a high ponytail, much to her surprise. Her sandy-blond waves bounce down around her shoulders and sways against her mid-back. The Ewok then brushes it gently with some sort of brush. Leia comes out in her new dress and spins around to show them off. Serenity claps.
"You look good." She smiled.
Leia gasped at the sight of the women, "You look even better!" She exclaimed as she sat down again.

The Ewok had started to braid a section of Serenity's hair near her forehead with some sort of leather cord all the way to the ends until they had to tie it off with her hair elastic. Leia had her hair done the same way, the only difference was Leia's leather cord was tan and Serenity's was a chocolate brown that looked good against her hair colour. Once the Ewoks were done, they made the girls stand up. Buddy and another Ewok grabbed her hands and led her out of the hut with Leia following close behind.

Serenity looked over her shoulder at Leia, confusion filling her features. Leia shruged her shoulders.

Once they stepped outside the hut, Serenity saw an amusing sight.
"Oh my..." she breathed and placed her hand over her mouth to hide her grin. Luke, Han and Chewie were tied up with ropes to sticks. R2 was also tied up and 3PO was sitting in a chair made of wood. Leia came up beside her. Luke turned his head in the direction of the voice and his eyes fell upon a beautiful sight.

A perfectly etched female figure in a green-ish dress, her hair down long with a braid across the right side of her forehead, brown cord intertwining with her natural hair-colour. Her slightly muscular legs were showing a little and she had her hand over her mouth with a little circular scar in the back of it. Luke gasped in awe. Who could this beautiful women be? His gaze made it'a way up to her face and when he saw her rare eyes...he knew who it was.
"Seren." He whispered quite breathlessly.
"Leia." Han said equally as breathless.

The two women try to run up to them but are stopped by pointed sticks.
"Your Royal Highness! Miss Serenity!" 3PO exclaims from his chair.
"But these are my friends!" Leia exclaims.
"3PO you must tell them to set them free." Serenity pointed.

3PO did exactly that. Instead of setting them free, they worked even faster.
"Somehow I got the feeling that didn't help us very much." Han sneered.
"3PO tell them if they don't do as you wish, you'll get angry and use your magic." Luke suggests.
"But Master Luke! What magic? I couldn't possibly-"
"Just do it."

3PO then tells them. The Ewok's look at each other with surprise and slight fear. They start lighting the sticks on fire.
"You see Master Luke, they didn't believe me! Just as I said they wouldn't." 3PO says hopelessly.
"Wait! Wait!" Han said trying to blow their fires out.
Serenity rolled her eyes, "May I Luke?" She asks.
"You may." He nods smiling.

Serenity closes her eyes and focus on 3PO.
The Ewok's watch as 3PO levitates off the ground. Even when the Ewok's push her back, she doesn't lose focus.
"Oh! Put me down! Somebody help! Help! Master Luke! Miss Serenity! R2, R2! Someone help!"

Serenity finally sets him down and opens her eyes. Luke and everyone else are set free. She sees Han race up to Leia, and share a kiss. She is then grabbed by the waist and lifted up by someone's hands. She exclaims in surprise and looks down to see a familiar blonde haired, blue eyed young man looking up at her. She giggles as she touches the ground again.
"You look beautiful Seren. Absolutely breathtaking." He whispers.
Serenity looks down and smiles sheepishly.
"Oh stop."

The group then joins together and wrap there arms around each other.
"Thanks 3PO." Luke grins.
"I never knew I had it in me." He sighs.
Serenity breaks out in laughter making Luke look at her with adoration...

A/N: I apologize for this chapter being so long... I just finished Season 5 of Clone Wars (I know I'm late to the party) but OH MY GOSH so emotional! I knew what happened before I watched cause people love to spoil but it was still so heart-breaking. I was so sad...and mad haha. Anyways hope you enjoyed and thanks for 1K reads on B.T.R!!!

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