Jabba the Hutt

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"Do you think this plan of yours will work?" The young woman asks the young man walking beside her. He was now a Jedi Knight and she had become more powerful in the ways of the Force then she once was one year ago.
"It'll have too Seren." The man stated, looking down.

Serenity looks down at her black boots as they pressed into the scorching sand with every step. She had ditched her old, tight robes for a newer look...one much more light and less hot. The airy fabric of her baby blue v-neck blouse kept her cool. The sleeves of the blouse faded from baby blue to white at the edges and were bell-bottomed to allow even more air to flow. Her comfortable navy blue leggings were a bit more easier to move in then her old robes. The same black utility belt was still strapped to her small waist. She still wore her old brown cloak. Ben had given it to her for a birthday present since she would never stop asking for one. It was still in pretty good condition and she couldn't bear to give it up.

They reached a metal door.
"Shall we?" Serenity eyes Luke with amusent as she pulls her cloak over her head.
Luke nods. They both flick up their hands and the door grinds open. They walked inside, stepping lightly, holding their straight Jedi-esque posture. The guards came to stop them but the two Jedi just flicked their fingers at them and they backed away, holding their necks.

A strange pink Twi'lek started to talk to Luke.
"We must speak with Jabba." Luke stated. The Twi'lek protested saying that Jabba would not bargain with them.
"You will take us to Jabba now." Serenity waves her two fingers in a semi-circle not breaking eye contact with him.
"I will take you to Jabba now." He repeats in Huttese and he leads them to where Jabba was seated.
"You serve your Master well." Luke joins in. "You will be rewarded." The Twi'lek repeats his words.

They finally stop to stand in front of the slug-like creature who was sleeping. Serenity spotted Leia in a slave's outfit, with a chain around her neck. Serenity jaw clenched ever so slightly. The former Princess of Alderaan was not be treated like dirt.
"At last! Master Luke and Miss Serenity have come to save me!" 3PO exclaims in relief. Serenity suppresses a laugh.
"Master," Jabba awoke, his eye's snapping open. "This is Luke Skywalker and Serenity Kenobi, Jedi Knights." He whispers in Huttese.
"I told you you not to admit them!" He replies.
"We must be allowed to speak." Luke states. The Twil'lek repeats what Luke said. Jabba grabs him by the throat.
"You weak-minded fool! He's using a old Jedi mind trick." He knocks the Twi'lek back.
"You will bring Captain Solo and the Wookie to us." Serenity steps forwards and removes the cloak from her head revealing her face which Serenity regretted but there was no turning back.

Slimes like Jabba had no respect for women, nonetheless beautiful ones like Serenity. Although, she did not think herself pretty, many men thought the exact opposite, including Luke.

She was fair-skinned with a hint of pink in her cheeks, her smooth blond eyebrows graced the spot above her eyes. Her eyes themselves were a wonder of their own. Not a lot of lifeforms had eyes of two different colours making her especially special. Tiny light brown freckles were sprinkled throughout her face and, when down, like it was now, her shiny sandy-blond hair which she got from her father had a slight natural curl and it bounced when she walked.

"You're mind powers will not work on me, pretty girl." Jabba laughed while Serenity fought the urge to gag.
"Nevertheless we are taking Captain Solo and his friends." Luke stalked towards Jabba and came up beside Serenity. "You can either profit by this or be destroyed."
"It's your choice but I warn you not to underestimate our powers Jabba." Serenity smirks.
"Master Luke! Miss Serenity your standing on the-!" 3PO tried to warn them but is cut off by Jabba.
"There will be no bargain young Jedi." Jabba says firmly. Serenity sense Luke eyeing Lando. She glances over and makes eye contact with him.

And that's when Luke did something Serenity would call...stupid. He uses the Force to grab the blaster off Lando but before he can shoot Jabba presses a button sending the two Jedi tumbling down along with a guard.

Serenity immediately gets up and whisper-screams at him.
"You idiot! What have you done!"
Suddenly a meter door clanks to life revealing a huge monster with sharp claws.
"Oh no the Rancor!" 3PO exclaims.
Serenity shoots an icy glare at the reckless Jedi.
"And you couldn't do something a little more...safe?"
"Since when do you do anything "safe"?" He argues.
"Shut up." She scoffed. The growl of the Rancor caught the two's attention. Serenity watched as it devoured the guard that fell in with them. Serenity breaks into nervous laughter. A trait she really really wished she hadn't inherited from her mother.

The Rancor makes his way over to the two. It grabbed Serenity before she could even turn around. Thankfully, Luke was picked up too and he had a large bone in his hands. He lodged it in the Rancor's mouth. It dropped to two Jedi to the ground. Luke scrambled in a small hiding place. Serenity crawled to the hiding place as well. She was pressed up against Luke in the most uncomfortable way. Luke had placed his hand on Serenity's waist and pulled her in closer.

That was no help. The Rancor grabbed the young women.
"Oh no you don't!" She screamed and grabbed a slightly heavy rock. She bashed repeatedly on it's hand until the Rancor let go. The two took their chance to get past it and ran for the door. Luke presses the button to open it but behind it were iron bars. There seemed to be no escape.
"Great! Just great!" Serenity threw her arms up. She didn't think she would be a Rancor meal. Serenity sensed Luke had another idea...this time an actual good one. Luke grabbed a rock and threw it at the heavy metal doors controls as the Rancor stepped under it. The door crashed down taking the Rancor to the floor, killing it. Serenity and Luke laughed in triumph and hugged, thankful they were alive.

Then more of Jabba's minions grabbed the two Jedi and led them out of the Rancor's lair to face Jabba once again.
"Han!" Luke shouted.
"Oh hello Han." Serenity joked.
"Luke! Seren!" Han shouted back.
Luke asked, "Are you alright?
"Fine. Together again huh?"
"Wouldn't miss it." Luke laughed.
"How're we doing?" Han asks, stumbling around.
"Oh ya know...same as always." Serenity says sarcastically.
"That bad huh...Where's Leia?"
"I'm right here!" Leia calls out from in front of Jabba.

"His High Exaltedness, the Great Jabba the Hutt has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately." 3PO says worriedly, in English.
"Great...I've always hated long waits." Serenity mumbles glaring at the guards who were holding her wrists.
"You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea and cast into the Pit of Carkoon, the resting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc."

Serenity gulped. She knew of the Pit of Karkoon. And the Sarlacc. Well isn't that convenient she thinks to herself.
"That doesn't sound so bad." Han says.
"In his belly you will find a new definition of pain and suffering...as you are slowly digested over...1000 years." If a droid could look sick, 3PO would be sporting that look. Serenity lets out one of her nervous laughs again. All the lifeforms in the room, glanced at her with a quizzical look.
"On second thought let's pass on that." Han mumbles.
"You should've bargained Jabba." Luke said calmly as they were being pulled away.
"This is the last mistake you'll ever make." Serenity said to the slug, looking over her shoulder.

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