Chapter 60: The Roars of Nocturne

Start from the beginning

"A demonic amalgamation drawn from the nightmares that haunt every sentient mind, the thing known as Nocturne has become a primordial force of pure evil. It is liquidly chaotic in aspect, a faceless shadow with cold eyes and armed with wicked-looking blades. After freeing itself from the spirit realm, Nocturne descended upon the waking world, to feed upon the kind of terror that can only thrive in true darkness.

It broke me when such a beautiful ferocious beast was drawn back to the spirit world because of those good for nothing deities. But the Nocturne called me, he wanted me to raise a part of him in this world without him laying a foot on the earth grounds. I always wanted something and he told me that I can get it when I join him, so of course, I did."

"What do you want from me, you monster?" She was tied up in unbreakable chains, she couldn't move a single muscle. It was a very frustrating situation and she hated it. She didn't had any idea why he was telling her all those stuff. She didn't even know him.

"I want something valuable. Something that connects both Life and Death. Something you wasted your time on loving and cherishing it."

Daydream glared at the man in front of her. She didn't have anything she loved, she only loved someone. And it shocked her and at the same time, it broke her heart when he continued speaking. She felt like her world was breaking apart, knowing how dangerous the situation she didn't know she was in.

"I want your little brother, Daydream. Unlike what you do, this is not a fantasy. This is absolute reality."

Your eyes were as wide as the whole sea in the world. Why would he want Hisashi? He didn't do anything wrong, he was too young to even do such things that made that guy get irritated. What? Did Hisashi pee on him or something?

"Why? Why does he want Hisashi? Why would he want a little kid?!"

You were getting frustrated with all this. Hisashi was too young and innocent, he'll be in danger once that man has him in his hands. Hisashi didn't deserve such fate. Akane sighed before speaking.

"Hisashi isn't really quirkless..." You shut your mouth the moment she said those words. Quirkless? You were starting to think she lied to you but she just had to. Akane didn't want to involve you into their problem and you absolutely understand that.

"Hisashi got his quirk when he was four and we were really shocked when we first found out about it. His quirk is on the line between life and death and it worried us that he might have consequences every time he uses it." She turned her gaze to Hisashi who was so close on crying.

You felt pity for the little boy, his quirk was powerful. Maybe even more powerful than yours.

"Re-animation, that is his quirk. He can turn dead people back to life, but not zombies, like alive alive. His quirk is both powerful and dangerous, we were afraid of it so our parents forbid him from using it. What we didn't know was that he can also reverse it.

He has the ability to kill people by making them fade away along with their souls, it's useful for hero work but it costs him his own life... so we sweared ourselves to protect him from danger. I'm certain that he wanted to take him so he could bring Nocturne back to life..."


She turned to you with a pair of serious and gloomy eyes as if saying his name was a sin nobody was willing to make.



"What's up with Bakugo? Was he fighting again?"

"Oh, the girls didn't see him yet? Take a look at Todoroki, too."

"Apparently, the provisional license classes are harsh."

"Must be good for jocks!"

"Stop talking about us like we're not here!"

You were silently sitting on your seat with your arms crossed. You ignored everything your classmates said since you were deep in thought so did Midoriya. He was thinking about Eri while you were all about Hisashi.

I'm not facing an ordinary mafia gang here... this is damn dead serious. Their so-called Alpha, Exodus, is trying to capture Hisashi because of his quirk... once he's in Exodus's possession, Nocturne will rose from the spirit world and come back... this is serious... this is so goddamn serious!

I have to help them, I have to help Daydream take care of Hisashi. I can be a spy... I can do all sorts of stuff like recieving information. I have to... I have to!

"Excuse me, Mr. Cementoss!" All of the class including the cement-headed teacher turned their heads to you as you spoke while raising your right arm.


"May I be excused? I have to talk with Mr. Aizawa, this is urgent." He hesitated at first knowing how many students always come up with common reasons to skip classes but you sounded so sincere.

"Urgent, huh? Okay, fine, you can go." You stood up and bowed to him before running outside the classroom.
"Dude, Y/N just skipped class!"

"What happened to her? Is something bothering her?"

"Oi, Bakugo, did you do something to her?!"

"Quiet. She said she needed to talk with your homeroom teacher and we're not certain about the reason why but it's none of our business. So it's better if we stay out of it." Cementoss spoke making them shut their mouths.

Katsuki remained staring at the door with a not so happy face. He felt like you've been so distant these days. He get that you're busy with your work study but he feels like... y'know, like he couldn't reach you anymore. Whatever situation you were in, he hated it.



"Dad!" You slammed the door opened only to see your caterpillar of a father inside his... cacoon.

"What are you--"

"Can I excuse for my absence today? This is really important, Dad. It's about my work studies... and I definitely have to go."

He stared at you with a blank expression before letting out a sigh. "Alright, I accept it since it's for your work studies. You're excused for today, and like I said--"

"Yeah, yeah, 'be careful'. I get it. Bye, Dad!" You irresponsibly cut him off as you made your way outside. You stopped on your tracks when you realized something. You immediately ran back to Dadzawa's office making him annoyed.

"What is it this time--"

"Can you please say goodbye to Katsuki for me please, Dad?"

He blinked three times before responding. He felt like he was your butler or something. "N--"

"Thanks, Dad. I love you, mwah!" And with that you went off as you dropped by to the dorms to get your hero costume before flying your way to Nazuka.

I'll protect you, Hisashi, no matter what.


That was the first time she said 'I love you'. Am I doing great with this father thing? If I am, then, hell I'm proud of myself.

~1876 words~

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