Chapter 13

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I pursed my lips and nodded slowly.

"Talk about what?" i questioned

Jason blew a thin stream of smoke and replied

"Anything, everything"

I nodded.

"you ask first" he said and took small drag at his cigarette

I took a moment to think what possibly could I ask him.

"Okay. What's up with that tattoo on your neck 'patience'?" i asked

"well its a long story but you know All good things are for those who wait." he said and clenched his cigarette between his teeth
"I believe that patience is passion tamed. If you believe in something, then you need determination and faith, you need to trust and hope, you need to be as passionate as you can be to achieve that goal. And I believe in a better day and a better life. And patience is what I got from my mother so i go really touchy about it"

"Really touchy" i stated sarcastically

"Yeah well atleast i.. " he scoffed

"I what?" i asked squinting at him.

"nevermind" he said, shaking his head..
"Just tell me something about yourself"

"I got nothing to share" i said leaning back on my seat.

"C'mon, stop being a bitch, a memory, or a gift you got?"

I thought for a second then spoke
"Well, i cant ride a bike"

"A bike? Why not?"

"I remember when my dad got me one, It was my birthday, but i had no one to teach me." i told him.
"dad was always at work and mom always in the kitchen" i said with a little smile "I tried, then fell, then tried again but it was stupid"

As i finished my sentence i felt my eyes getting blurry, tears gathered and i tried to blink them away.

He nodded and smiled.

"Anyways, tell me something about your mom" i asked him, just to change the subject

"Next question please" he stated taking a long drag on his cigarette

"What? Why?" i was actually curious

"I just.. Just don't want to talk about it. Okay?"

"Sure, enlighten me with your other restrictions won't you please?" i spoke very sarcastically

He chuckled softly and said
"Why do you do this"

"Sarcasm?" i asked squinting at him

"No, the pretend. Why do you pretend to be so tough all the time?" his eyes looked very remarkable and brown

'I don't pretend to be anything" i said and shrugged

"And why do you pretend to hate me so much?" he was smiling so wide


"No, I think you actually like me a lot" he teased.

"Oh my gosh, why are you so outta your head?" i enquired.

He smiled and nodded, but didn't say anything

"You know what i think?" i asked him

"What?" he said looking at me with his eyes half open

"I think you really like me, but you pretend to hate me" i told him

"Wow babe, who's high now?" he scoffed

"As if, admitt it you do like me don't you" i was so out of my mind when i asked him that

He at first sighed then began to speak "Look babe, the definition of 'liking someone' is when i do see a girl that's my type i goto her and flirt a bit and then fuck her, that's just how it goes, so you are unfit according to that definition"

"Wow you are making stuff up now, hats off to you" i said

There was complete silence for about two minutes

"And the only reason why im 'unfit' for your definition is because I know how to take care of myself" i told him

"Is that what you think? Because babe the real thing is that you are pathetic and weak and I don't like that shit so you keep believing that you are 'taking care of yourself'" he said that placing his hand on my thigh

I looked at him wide eyed, he had such a devilish grin on his face.
'What the hell' i thought

"But you know.. You are beautiful and you could show me your worth" he said softly

"Fuck off" i slapped his hand off from my leg.

He smirked and started smoking his cigarette again

I felt so miserable, how he had insulted just because I was weaker than him? Just because I was a girl? He didn't respect women at all and i hated him for that. I hated him because he thought he was superior and women were inferior. I hated him because he acted like he was more powerful than me.

Sorry for the slow updates.
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