Chapter 34

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Ronnie was flattered by Jason's words, She had heard him tell her that he loved her, although he didn't give her a sign of it. He had been working too much for a week, he barely even talked to her after that day.
It was a Sunday night. Ronnie was in her bedroom, watching TV when she heard a knock on the door. She went to open it and found Jason on the other side.

"You're still up" he said putting his hands in his pockets

"It's only twelve at night, what do you expect?" she said giving him way to enter the room

He sat on the edge of her bed, Ronnie sat on a distance from him.

"I've had a tiring week" he told

"I know" she said, "You've been very busy"

"Yeah" he said looking down on his hands

Ronnie felt awkward as she knew that he didn't just come to check up on her.

"So, do you wanna go out somewhere?" he finally asked

Ronnie raised her eyebrows.

"Because I'm free right now and" he added, "I'm tired of all the work, Plus you must be tired of being at home all the time right?" he further stated

"Are you trying to ask me out?" she teased

"Is that what you wanna call it" he smirked

"Sure I'll go" she giggled, "Where to?" she asked

"I was thinking X Scream" he said

"What's that?" she asked

"Are you kidding me? It's the world's third highest amusement ride" he said as if she was supposed to know it, "It's sick"

"So, like a rollercoaster?" she enquired

"Better than that" he sounded excited, "Since it's Sunday, we can leave at one" he told

Ronnie checked the time, it was almost 12:15.

"Okay, I'll be ready in time" she told him

Jason simply nodded and left the room. She quickly ran to her closet and picked out a white crop top with high waisted shorts. She was still second guessing her outfit when her phone rang.

She wondered who could it be, she accepted the call.

"Hey Ronnie!" a female voice greeted

"Who is this?" she questioned

"You deleted my number?" the high pitched voice asked, "It's Ashley"

"Ashley? You're alive!" Ronnie spontaneously said

"Yeah, I missed you so much" she asked

"How have you been?" Ronnie questioned

"I've been great, I told you about Owen the last time I saw you right?" she said

"Yes, and I broke your glass table and you told me our friendship was over" she said with clenched teeth

"Yeah I'm really sorry for that, I swear I am, forgive me" she pleaded

"Of course" Ronnie sat down on her bed

"So anyways I married him and we're having a baby" Ashley squealed

"Oh my God that's great" she exclaimed with joy

"Thanks, now tell me your address so Owen can pick you up tomorrow for the baby shower" she said

"I can't come" Ronnie said gravely

"Why not? I know I've done wrong to you but-" Ashley sounded gloomy

"It's not that" Ronnie said, "I'm in Vegas" she told

"Vegas? What? Why?" she almost yelled

"It's a long story" Ronnie paused

The door creaked, Jason entered the room

"I need to talk to you" Jason said

"I'm on the phone" Ronnie replied

"It's impo-" Jason was cutoff when Ronnie continued talking to her friend

"So I was saying" she spoke into the phone
Jason left the room and shut the door behind him violently.

"Who was that?" Ashley questioned

"Who?" She said

"You were talking to someone, who was it?" Ashley's curiosity escalated

"That was Jason" Ronnie sighed, knowing Ashley's reaction

"Jason? As in McCann?" she questioned as expected

"Yes, Jason McCann, who you had a crush on" Ronnie said smiling

"What do you mean had? I still have it, oh my God I can't believe it, Why is he with you? What's happening? Fill me in quick" Ashely said getting excited

Ronnie told her everything from the beginning.

"Wow, and I thought my life was good" Ashley said amused

"Honestly it is, I mean you're married and you're gonna be a mother, isn't that what you wanted?" Ronnie said

"Yeah, but I'd like to fuck with Jason anytime" she said and they both laughed, "So, how good is he? I bet he's great" Ashley questioned

Ronnie's eyebrows narrowed, "I don't know"

"Are you seriously telling me you don't fuck? How dumb do you think I am?" she said

"No, believe me, we don't" Ronnie told

"Well then, you should step up your game sister" she said giggling

Ronnie wanted to tell her that he confessed his love to her but she didn't.

"Okay, I'll talk to you soon, but since you're not coming tomorrow I should call someone else" Ashely said

"Sure, and sorry" Ronnie said

"It's okay, Goodnight, give Jason a kiss from me" she giggled

"Goodnight, I won't" Ronnie said before hanging up

She looked at the time, it was 2:00 am

'Fuck' she mumbled knowing she was late. She changed her outfit and walked to Jason's room but didn't find him there. She asked Barbra if she had seen him.

"Yeah he left an hour ago" she informed

Ronnie was mixed up, she was sad, confused and disappointed. She couldn't understand why had Jason asked her out but left without her, she stomped her way to her room. She wanted to stay awake to find Jason when he comes and ask for an explanation, but her attempt to do so, failed. She slept and soon enough Jason came back.

He entered her room and tried to wake her up.

"Ronnie get up" he said shaking her shoulder, "I need your help, wake up"

She peeled her eyes open, "Go away" she mumbled

"Ronnie I need your help" he repeated
She opened her eyes and sat up, yawning, her eyes widened when she saw Jason's white V-neck, dyed red with blood, his face had several deep cuts, but his arm was bleeding harshly.

"What the fuck did you do?" she asked
"I'll explain later, but right now I need you to drive me to my doctor" he said wincing

Ruthless Bliss (Jason McCann & Miley)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu