Chapter 30

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I waited more than just an hour, I had gone to the food court to get myself a smoothie. Finally I spotted Jason in the crowd, he held one little bag in his hand. I clenched my teeth in anger, 'so much time for one fucking present'
We drove back to the house chatting about random things.
I saw a little tree inside the house, Jason informed that he had gotten it delivered shortly.

The 23rd and 24th flew by quickly. Jason and I had decorated the tree, I placed my gift under it at midnight and tiptoed to my room. It was the only one lying there at that moment.
In the morning I woke up and looked at the time, 11:28 am. I hurriedly took a shower and changed into a lavender long sweater with shorts and grey ugs.
I walked into Jason's room to wake him up, he was lying shirtless, wearing only his boxers. A wave of redness flowed over my cheeks.

I stood next to his bed and spoke loudly "Merry Christmas" His eyelids flickered and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Merry Christmas" he mumbled

We headed down stairs and I thought to make breakfast but he forced me to open the presents first.

I was so overwhelmed to see multiple of boxes lying there. I remembered placing one. I looked at him, he shrugged playfully.

"Go on, open them" he suggested

I sat down on the floor and began to rip off the wrapping paper. Jason sat beside me.

The first box contained Swiss chocolates.
"I love chocolates" I mumbled
The second one revealed a set of Chanel perfumes, with five bottles.
I was beyond amazed, "Oh my God" I murmured and looked at him, he gave me the sweetest of smiles.
The last box that I unwrapped contained a black lace cutout dress, it was short and almost backless. There was only one black stripe on the back. I loved it. It was beautiful, I didn't have any words, I held it in my hands, staring at it with my lips parted.
"Jason.." I whispered
I was deliriously happy, but flustered at the same time.

I was so embarrassed of myself, I had gotten him only one.
As soon as he opened it, I pursed my lips.

"Wow, thanks Ronnie" he said putting it on

"Sarcasm?" I asked

"No, I love it" he told

I looked at him, he was smiling widely with crinkle by his eyes. I had never seen him smile so genuinely. He opened his arms wide, I gave him a hug. It was the warmest.

"Okay, one last surprise" he said

"What?" I asked excited, as I pulled away from his grasp.

He pointed his index finger towards the ceiling. My heart skipped a beat, I hoped it was a mistletoe. I nervously looked up and found a chandelier instead.

"That's great" I mumbled sarcastically
"You like it?" he asked

I nodded.
We planned to make cookies after that, he looked up the recipe and after gathering the ingredients, we made our batch, it got burnt and overcooked. We ended up eating the chocolates he had gotten.

We spent the whole day watching TV

I decided to roast a chicken for supper. Jason sat on the stool and watched me work. He was making me nervous.

"I'm starving, be quick" he said taking a cigarette out of his pocket

"I just realized, I haven't smoked while you were gone" I told him, as he put the cigarette in his mouth

"Really? Why not?" he spoke while lighting it up

"I don't even own a pack" I giggled, "I always just borrow it from you" I added

I expected him to offer one, but he didn't, which was unusual. I was slightly offended.
When the food was ready, we took our plates to the tv lounge and began eating.
I was expecting and hoping for Jason to compliment.

"Wow" he exclaimed as he took the first bite, "I'm impressed" he told

There was a pale red tinge to my cheeks. I suppressed my smile.

We ate in silence after that. When I done cleaning up the kitchen, I sat down on the couch. We watched some music videos, they were good.

"Hey I know this song" he said

I read the title 'All of me' by John Legend.

"I don't" I told

"You should listen, it's great" he said,

It was indeed a good song, but for me it was of no significance.

"You liked it?" he asked when it ended
"Sure, it's good" I said curtly

"You know I've been listening to the same tracks for months" he told

I asked why

"Stupid Russian channels, I didn't know the language and everyone else did. I swear I hadn't even talked this much" he explained

"Tell me more about Russia" I requested

He smiled and began to tell me how he got there and how he hated Russian food. He told me about his new acquaintances. He was telling me about his visit to Kremlin when his phone buzzed.

"It's Costello" he mumbled before accepting the call.

I felt my heart sink as he walked out to attend the call.

'Is he going to leave me alone again'

Ruthless Bliss (Jason McCann & Miley)Where stories live. Discover now