Tag, You're It

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1- You have to write the rules.

2- You have to answer 13 questions and create 13 more questions to be answered.

3- You have to complete the challenge within seven days.

4- Once you have completed the challenge, you have to tag thirteen people or more.

5- You can tag back the same person who tagged you.

6- You have to give this a creative name.

7- You have to mention who tagged you.


:Questions by swagonyoushawty:

1- Who is your first celebrity crush?

Justin Bieber, not even a lie. I was thirteen.

2- Have you ever had sex dream?

Ugh, nope. I'm a virgin.

3- Your favorite movie(s) of all time, and why?

Interstellar, Inception, Salt and The last song. I can't explain why these are my fav, sorry lol.

4- Which Kardashian is your favorite?

None, I hate them all.

5- Which member of One Direction is your favorite?

Harry Styles.

6- Jelena, Jendall, Jailey, Jarbra or jariana?

None, tbh I love single Justin, but Jailey is nice.

7- Who is your OTP?

Zustin. I ship them.

8- Horror movies, yay/nah?

Nah! Ugliest type of movies.

9- What Is your favorite song?

When I look at you by Miley Cyrus.

10- Celeb(s) you hate the most? And why?

Selena Gomez, she's an overrated rat who can't sing.

11- What is your biggest obsession?

Hard to tell, I'm obsessed with so many things.

12- What is your woman crush?

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