Chapter 37

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"The alleged conspirators in a high-school shooting that killed almost two hundred students, pleaded guilty of first-degree murder and were sentenced life imprisonment .
Sources say that the members of the organization behind the shooting are yet to be arrested"

Jason shivered in his seat and cold sweat formed on his forehead, he was a part of the incident,
Quickly he shifted to the MTV channel as he heard Ronnie's footsteps.

"Jason" she called out his name, "How are you feeling now?" she kissed his cheek.

He nodded in response, she sat beside him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"What are you hiding?" she asked softly

He gulped and intertwined his finger with hers. She looked down at their hands and sighed deeply.

"It's nothing" he managed a weary smile, "Will you get me something to eat?" he asked her.
She nodded and he kissed the side of her head.

Jason sat on the couch while Ronnie worked in the kitchen.

He recalled the day when he had shot several teenage boys in the head, he remembered an innocent girl who had fallen to her knees and was asking for mercy, he had felt weak and let her go but as soon as she reached the exit door, he had shot her from the back.

Jason's lips quivered and his breaths came out short. He rubbed his temples, and looked over to Ronnie, who was busy cooking, she flashed him a warm smile when she saw him watching her.
Jason heard a screeching halt outside, he quickly rose from his seat. Costello harshly made his appearance and caught Jason by surprise.

"Mr McCann, I believe you have had enough of a break" he spoke harshly

Jason didn't reply instead he licked his lips.

"Are you aware of the blunder that you have made?" he spoke through gritted teeth

"What?" Jason questioned

"That package you delivered to Mr Lee should have contained a hundred packs of coke, but about twenty were missing, elaborate what happened there?" Costello enquired

"Fuck" Jason mumbled, "I wasn't feeling well so I asked Oscar to deliver that package, it must've been that asshole I swear"

"You see McCann, these are the type of things which make me want to blow your head off" he spoke with wrath, "What is the matter with you?, you've been acting immature lately" he asked

Jason kept silent which infuriated Costello, he took a handful of Jason's shirt front, he looked at him furiously.

"Are you still upset about the school shooting?" Costello asked, "Jesus Christ McCann!" he let go of him

"What?" Ronnie finally spoke, "What is he talking about Jason?" she questioned

Jason's lips parted to reply her but Costello answered her.

"Well aren't you aware of the bloodshed?" he looked surprised, "You see McCann was involved in the most recent school shooting and now he can't stop crying about it"

"Jason what is he talking about?" she asked approaching him, tears teemed up her eyes.

He looked at her and there were tears in both of their eyes.

"Is that true? Jason just tell me?" she asked for the last time.

"I can explain.." he managed to say, she constantly kept shaking her head,

Jason tried to get a grip on her wrist as she ran out of the house, he followed her outside.

"Just let me explain babe" he caught her

"Explain what? How you killed those kids?" she cried

He felt helpless.

"You are a murderer" she said slipping out of his grip, "How could you?" she wept

"I did it for us babe, I did it for you" he stepped closer towards her.

"For me?" she froze

"Costello said he'd hurt you if I didn't do it, and-and I had no choice babe, I-I had to do it" he explained

"If loving me is so dreadful, might as well not love me at all" she wept

"Ronnie" his voice cracked

"I'm sorry Jason" she said and got in her car, leaving him.

Jason froze to where he stood, motionless, he had lost the only one that he loved.

"Ah! Women!" Costello said approaching him, "Never understood them, never will"

"We killed those children" Jason said, "Those innocent kids were the future of our nation"

"That's exactly why their massacre was necessary, you see the weaker your nation, the easier for us Russians to take over" he said so nonchalantly that Jason couldn't believe him. A devilish grin seen on his face, "Oh and McCann did I mention that I have sent Oscar to go down to the LVMPD and confess about the crime, of course he will mention your name and the cops will be down here soon"

Jason looked at him shocked.

"I should leave before they arrive, good day McCann" he shot him a fake smile

"You can't do that to me, I-I saved your life" Jason said in denial

"Time changes everything McCann, especially people" he patted his back, then left.

Jason ran inside the house and called Ronnie up, meanwhile she drove to a hotel, to reminisce about old times, she kept crying but ignored his calls, Jason sent her voicemails, texts, everything, but all in vain.
Ronnie sat alone bawling, the only sound she heard was of the raindrops hitting against the glass windows. She turned on the tv to distract herself, and her eyes couldn't believe the sight, Jason was over every news channel, the fierce headlines painted a despicable picture of him.
At that moment she realized how much he needed her and how wrongly she left him, she picked up her phone and instantly got in the drivers seat. She drove as fast as she could, but the traffic was testing her, she glanced over at her phone and saw the number of texts and mails from Jason. She was so stressed, abandoning her car, she started running to her house which was quite a distance from her.
She knew he needed her, and she cursed herself inwardly as she had hurt him a lot.

She ran in the pouring rain and finally when she reached the threshold, she heard a gun shot, she froze for a second but the adrenaline rush forced her to move forward, her heart was beating faster than ever but when she saw Jason's body lying in the pool, as the blood diffused with the cold water, her heart slowed down to such an extent that she felt giddy. She staggered, she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs but suddenly her voice was lost, she couldn't process anything. She brought him out of the shallow water and cradled his head in her arms.

"Jason open your eyes" she patted his face, blood rushed out of his chest, "Jason please" she wept, her hands were red from his blood

She was holding him tight, not knowing what to do. She heard the police sirens echo.

"No, not so soon" she mumbled, "Jason get up I'm sorry just stop this" she whimpered

"Hands in the air, step away from the body slowly" ordered a cop, Ronnie obeyed, one man stepped forward and checked Jason's pulse,

"He's gone" he reported

Ronnie sob hard and said incoherent words.

"You have the right to remain silent,  Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law" a man told and put handcuffs around her wrists.

Ruthless Bliss (Jason McCann & Miley)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя