Chapter 15

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He stopped the car and explained
"We don't have much money, but I know a real cheap motel"

"But we won't have to share a room, right?" i asked

"No, I'm gonna get you the royal suite" he started sarcastically.

We started to walk to the motel, it was at the corner of the street which was a small distance from the car. Jason was walking faster than me. Cold breeze was blowing, there were no sounds to be heard.

When we finally reached the motel, I looked up at the pink neon sign which said "Stacey's Motel". The sign was flickering, and soon the M of the sign went out. I could see how luxurious this place must be,we entered through the rusty iron door-frame. Jason walked confidently as if he knew the place, he walked over to the reception, and put his elbows on the wooden counter and started talking to the old lady who was coughing yet smoking a Moroccan long-drawtube. Her hair was like cotton candy, but white of course, she handed him the keys saying "you two be safe now" her voice was shrill. As we walked to our room I saw the dirty floors and closed doors, i was so disgusted by the environment, I felt like i was gonna be sick, I coaxed myself to focus on something else,therefore I diverted my attention to the noise made by Jason as he was shaking the keys.

We finally reached the room, while he was unlocking the door I imagined a big room with cloud like beds, sweet smell filling the room,black leather couches,walls dressed in brilliantly white paint but as I walked in I realized I was so wrong. The room was small, there was one filthy bed pushed against the wall, an ancient couch probably 1000 years old, one embarrassingly SMALL bathroom and a kitchenette, the walls were white but brackish material was dominating the whiteness. Jason walked to the bed and asked me if i wanted to sleep on it or the couch, I thought for a second that how many people must have had slept on it, MILLION, popped up in my mind and I decided to take the couch, I walked over to it and for a second examined it with my eyes, I detected that the brown leather had uncountable cracks on it and the white foam was popping out of it, for a minute I thought I made the wrong decision but when I saw Jason puffing up the pillow I felt happy with my choice.

I dropped my body onto the couch, I was exhausted, i closed my eyes and tried to sleep i felt something crawling on me. I screamed so loud

"Babe?" he mumbled turning on the lamp


Oozing out of the leather.

"Holy crap" i said and ran to the bed.
"I am not sleeping there" i said louder than my usual volume

Jason smirked. His brownish blonde hair disheveled, his biceps looked so stiff. I felt an urge to touch them once. His eyes looked so heavenly. His lips, so soft and I was sitting so close to him.

"Sugar" he slowly said and placed his tough yet warm hand on my face.

I felt blood rushing through my body. I definitely blushed

"Why are you staring at me?" he asked.

I was so embarrassed. I slapped his hand away from me, then spoke

"I was thinking... If you have a cigarette?"

"You know, More than 480,000 deaths annually occur due to tobacco" he replied

"No, I suppose?" I said, completely changing the subject

He grinned "So i need to sleep and.. " he didn't complete his sentence

"I hate cockroaches, I'm not going there" i said

"Fine by me" he said and removed his shirt.

I almost gasped.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I enquired trying to keep calm

He did not say a word. He turned around and turned out the lights.

The moonlight filled the room, making his back muscles visible I enjoyed the sight, then laid down looking at his tattoo. I couldn't quite understand what was written just then he turned around, now facing me.

"Sexy right?" his voice raspy as hell

"I wasn't.." I struggled for air more than words.

"Yeah" he scoffed "Look I wanna be honest with you" he said
"I know we haven't been the closest friends but I want to tell you some things, before you leave me tomorrow" I was shocked
"And I hope you to be honest as well" he said

"Hmm" was the only sound I could manage to make.

"Okay first I want to tell you about my past, I loved my mom a lot and she loved me too, my dad however was a busy man, he owned five casinos." he began to open up
"One day I was outside, skating with my friend" he paused for a second
"And when I got home i saw mom lying on the kitchen floor and" another pause
"I was eight, Ronnie" he looked at me and his eyes filled with tears
"I.. I panicked and I rang up my dad he told me he was on his way but.. "
His voice broke. I honestly thought he was gonna cry soon, but he swallowed hard then continued speaking
"I waited, half an hour and he didn't come. I could've saved her but"

"It wasn't your fault at all" I said cutting him "You were a child and you tried your best" I wanted to console him.

"It was all my fault and I have never trusted anyone again" he said depressed
"But I know I have hurt you a lot and I just want you to forgive me" he said pulling me closer

"I..I don't know what to say" I replied nervously

"Just stay with me" he said almost whispering

He placed his hand on my face one more time, rubbing his thumb on my cheek gently. He was looking straight into my eyes, his hazel brown eyes sparkled beautifully.

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