Chapter 23

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"Wake up Ronnie" was the voice disturbing me from my deep, much needed sleep. I partially opened my eyes to see Jason jerking me by the shoulder.
"C'mon we gotta go" he told, putting on his jacket

"Where?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"Costello's" he said turning towards the door.

We stepped out, the sunlight made me squint, he walked in front of me, through the same narrow allies we had walked last night. We reached the same old building we had met Costello in. We were seated in the black car, driven by the same man we met last night.
We reached a gigantic mansion, big hedges concealed the building. A great white fountain worked, surrounded by the green patches of grass, cut in an extraordinary design. We were led inside the colossal house, white marble floor, reflected the bright light into my eyes, great expensive curtains, hung over the windows, dimly allowing the light in, chandelier, in spite of being unlit, looked remarkable. The ancient paintings adorned the walls. I gazed in amusement, but I couldn't quite understand what he might have wanted to talk about.

"This way" said the black man leading us to a big room with a huge dinning table. Costello sat in a chair, dishes of various types sat in front of him.

"Good morning Mr McCann, have you eaten?" he asked warmly

"Heartily, sir" he remarked

"I wanted you to know about your first job, bring me a deal, no matter what condition or model, are you willing to?" he said, wiping his face with a napkin

"Most certainly, any duration restriction sir?" he asked

"Ah! Smart boy you are, two days I grant you" he told, smiling

I was awfully bored and sleepy, I yawned once or twice, which consequently made Costello attentive.

"And you have brought the girl too?" he said

Jason looked over his shoulder, "Yes, sir" he replied

"How charming " he remarked "What is your name young lady?" he addressed me

"Veronica" I replied, "Sir" I added nervously.

"Beautiful name, I believe Frank will drop you home" he said, turning to his food.

After that, Frank did give us a ride home. Jason positioned my head on his chest while twirling strands of my hair around his finger. I listened to his heartbeat on the way home.

When we reached home I noticed how Jason was so quiet.

"You okay?" I asked him since he seemed to look troubled

"Not in the worst way" he told, rubbing his temples

"What's up?" I asked in a friendly way

"You see the cars I managed before were by chance, now that I have to intentionally steal them" he sighed. "I can't think how"

We sat thinking for a while, then I spoke
"I can help" and we improvised the most brilliant plan.

At night we went out, I stood on a busy street, waving to the rushing cars for a ride. I wore my loose black top with shorts and a snap-back. Luckily one car did stop, it was driven by a white man, probably in his 30's. He wore spectacles. He seemed to be a gentleman and noble too.

"You need some help?" he asked rolling his window down.

"Yes, I was hoping you could give me a lift?" I spoke gently

"Sure, hop in" he said

I sat in passenger seat, roughly chewing my gum.

"Where do I drop you?" he asked without looking at me

"Go straight, take a left then turn right" I told him

He followed my instructions and drove to the very dark and abandoned area of the city.

"Are you sure about the directions, dear?" he spoke nervously

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND MOVE OUT OF THE VEHICLE" Jason appeared yelling, pointing his gun at him

"What's going on?" the poor man mumbled, tuning towards me.
I pointed my gun to his face.

"Didn't you hear him?, Get out" I ordered

The frightened man put his hands up and moved out of his car, Jason jumped into the driver seat and sped away in the darkness.
We laughed and congratulated each other, and drove straight to Costello.

"I see you and your partner are very efficient" he remarked, looking at the car

Jason smiled at me, warmly. Taking my hand into his, gently.

"I have to admit, I am very much impressed" Costello told.

He rewarded us with thick bundles of dollar bills. We left his place, satisfied and sufficed.

"This was fun" Jason remarked on our way home

"Agreed" I replied

"I mean did you see the look on his face" he said scoffing

"And the best part, the guns were empty" I giggled

We bantered, cracking jokes on the way home, busting out laughing time to time.

Ruthless Bliss (Jason McCann & Miley)Where stories live. Discover now