Chapter 8

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I woke up to the sound of sirens of a police car passing nearby. I winced then opened my eyes, sunlight was burning down at my face. I got up on my feet and felt relived about the fact I WAS STILL ALIVE. I walked out of the alley i had slept in and looked around, not knowing what to do next. My eyes spotted a cafe, 'i could use a cup of coffee' I thought to myself, I fished my pocket for some money and pulled out some pennies and a dollar bill. I walked confidently into the small, brown wallpapered cafe, I sat there looking around people having tea, waffles and other things i couldn't afford. An ancient styled wooden clock hung on the wall, it sharply struck a nine. I heard a voice above my head, I tilted my head and looked up and saw a woman, she had long eyelashes, thickly covered in mascara, her lips were deep red, like blood. She was not much tall, there was a very distracting mole on her face.

"Can I take your order sweetie?" She asked and  painted a fake smile.

"Umm.. yes.. a cup of black coffee" i answered knowing it was the only item i could afford.

"Can I interest you with our delightful breakfast offers?" she re-read the lines she must've crammed a long time ago.

"No, just coffee" I tried to be polite.

"Coming right up" she jotted it down as if it was a forgettable order.

I looked outside the window. There was a car parked at some distance, it featured a sticker on its windshield "for sale" i thought to myself, if i had a car i'd never sell it and then in my thoughts i found myself a great escape plan, to escape from every shit i was tired of going through. I thought I'd sell Issac's car, buy a home, live a normal life. I got my coffee paid for it and started searching for Issac's car,after half an hour of walking, finally i found it parked near a tattoo shop which at the moment was closed, I tried to open the door by it was locked 'damn that son of a bitch' I knew Jason must've had the keys since the last time he was driving it. I walked in the alley and found Jason laying behind the dumpster. He seemed so peaceful, satisfied, sleeping like a baby, 'but fuck it' I kicked his knee with my shoe. He winced but didn't open his eyes, i slapped his shoulder than gave him a jerk, "What the fuck?" he was finally awake, he looked at me curiously and asked "Why am i seeing you, in the morning?"  I wasn't clear if it was a question or sarcasm, I began saying,

"I need the keys to Issac's car"

"of course you do" he said in his raspy voice and stood up

"Yeah, i need to go somewhere" I said stiffly.

"Sorry babe, no can do" He didn't seem serious

"I need the keys!" I exclaimed with anger and took a handful of his shirt, I was thinking that might scare him instead he scoffed and freed himself, held my wrists and pinned me against the wall. He was so agile i couldn't even fathom how he had done that.

"What you tryna do babe?" He had a smirk on his face. His voice was deep. I grinded my teeth and tightened my jaws, He stood so close to me,i could feel his warm breath on my skin, heat rushed through my body like my blood, He stared right into my eyes, I was beginning to breathe heavily. "You know what?" he paused "I like this" he added, his tone had such a depth I thought I was gonna blush but I was still wondering what was he trying to say when he brushed his lips on my neck, and planted a kiss lingerly. I was definitely blushing now but a part of me was so furious,'how dare he', we had known each other for some time now but he had never touched me. This was the first time he had done such a thing. I had some kind of warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach but anger was taking over my head and heart, I could not let him do this to me, if I didn't make a run for it, he might just rape me, I was really troubled by the thought so I managed to kick him in the stomach, he released me with a jerk and backed off finally, both hands on his stomach he looked at me surprised, I fixed my hair, not in a shy way and stretched my hand out to him

Ruthless Bliss (Jason McCann & Miley)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang