chapter 20: out from yonder.

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€so I decided to slowly make the chapters mo-€

=Poland: No! Make it a surprise!=

€fine. Onto the book then.€


"The road. . . It has much more road kill than usual." He spoke quietly as he drove swerving back and forth avoiding the mass of dead and broken up bones, meat, and other stuff on the road.

"You're right. . ." Russia's voice was gruff as he peered out onto the black road that was painted in red, the early morning sun slowly rose into the cold night sky illuminating all that it could touch. It slowly warmed your numb skin as your unsure voice broke the ever so lonesomeness in the old rusted car.

"All these animals were slaughter and brought onto the road. . ." You replied in a robotic and dead manner, upon closer examination you were in fact right as the tired America cawed back to you. "Y/n is right, none of these have tire marks over them." He noted, the German was the final one to say the one questions in all of your heads.

"Then who did it." He murmered with worry lacing his rather startled tone, swiftly you all left the jungle terrain to see yet more trees much like oak and pine. It seemed that Mexico was halfly shocked as he sped up the car, "we are almost there." He spoke taking a sharp turn Right, tilting the car slightly. Soon the dead Terrain become familiar to your eyes as you scanned it with caution, "we're here amigos" he indicated with the door shutting loudly echoing through the early morning disrupting the caws of the crows.

"I thought we were going to the city. . ." America pointed out as the Mexican sneered. "Well y/n has to go to Canada's, so we are dropping her off here first" Germany knocked rather apprehensively on the front door.

"Coming!" A bubbly voice cooed as the door opened, the warmth of the inside slithered out of the fire warmed house. "Oh! Hello Ame, russia, germany, Mexico, and y/n come in you must be freezing" mexico calmly declined the light-hearted country who nodded in return and welcomed everyone else in with a optimistic smile.

"So, care for a cup of maple syrup anyone?" He babbled out in his enthusiastic voice. You kindly denied not wanting the sticky feeling to coat your mouth that was already dry as it is, "Nein, but Danke dir." Germany responded, "no no you must have some Allemagne!" He then reassure as he poured him a cup along with Russia and America. He then poured himself one and sat down. They were all talking as you stared out the window with a bland expression placed on your dull face, "I TOLD AUSSIE NOT TO GO NEAR CALIFORNIA BUT HE STILL DID!" America shrieked getting into the touchy subject of politics. Canada would snap back at America with hate lacing his once joyous tone "AUSSIE IS TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND WHAT HE DID!" Canada yelled changing to rooms mood to a depressing pessimistic one, the luminous lights now seemed dull as America shouted back and forth Russia decided to hop in and join Canada's side "AT LEAST HIS CITIZENS CAN WEAR A FUCKING MASK! AND ALL OF YOUR PRESIDENT'S FOR ELECTION ARE ALREADY RICH! THAT MEANS NO ONE CAN PUSH NEW LAWS!" Russia managed to fume out America was strongly taken a back as the only one who wasn't arguing was Germany but of course America being the stupid person he was decided to drag him into the mess. "WELL, GERMANIES CITIZEN'S HAVE STARTED RIOT'S AND PROTESTED TOO!" He said sharply pointing to Germany who look threatened, "WELL AT LEAST ICH HAS LESS CASES!" he spoke harshly, Canada then tossed his cup of maple syrup at America and America tossed it at him in return.

((Please don't get into a fight with me over the current situations around the world.))

"I'm not dealing with this." You said pushing yourself up and heading outside, nobody stopped your for they couldn't hear you over their idiotic screams.

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