chapter 5: the old house...

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"why would you say that y/n? Of course we are..." America was rather sympathetic towards you, you looked up at Russia for his answer not expecting much from him "you're all right y/n..." You saw a slight grin graze upon Russia's face, America wasn't paying attention at the time he was looking at the clock. "Sorry to ruin the mood you two but me and Russia are going to be late for the meeting! Y/n has to go to third's house" at the last part America didn't sound so amused, didn't third and Soviet have to go to the meeting tonight? Before you could finish that thought America grabbed you and carried you to the car. "I can walk you know..." You were annoyed, you weren't really in the mood for this. So he put you down and you walked the rest of the way to the car, Russia and America were in the front and you sat In the back. To be sure you had everything you filpped around your backpack and looked through it. Phone... School work... Extra clothes... Water bottle... A, heart locket... How did that get there? Then it hit you, it was given to you by your best friend a few years back. A few years swelled up in your eyes, "f/n..." You whispered quietly, you missed them. Why did they have to die?! You held your hands in your head trying to hold back the tears, nothing was going good...
"Y/n? A-are you okay...?" Said a soft voice up front, you sniffle and then look up into the mirror.
"I'm f-fine..." It sounded muffled with the shaky voice you had from crying, you put your head down looking at the locket, without hesitation you put it around your neck. "M'kay kid..." You look up to see Russia looking back at you, he seemed like he had a look of concern in his eyes.
"Y/n, me and Russia have a meeting as you know... Nobody can watch you besides ussr, and third Reich since they aren't really considered a country anymore, try not to make them mad... I don't wanna deal with them later." America then sighed as he pulled up to a large building, "wait here y/n, they should come get you" Russia said leading you to the side of the wall then patting you on your head, you smiled and nodded. You looked at the locket and tuckered it into your shirt, you look around to see yourself getting some weird looks it didn't really bother you "こんにちは y/n-chan~!" You turn you head to see Japan running down the side of the sidewalk towards you, "hello Japan!" You waved at her with a large smile across your face, "why are you waiting out here y/n-chan? Are you not allowed I to the meeting, it's about you after all!" Her ears twitched from curiosity, you shrugged and looked at her "well I'm supposed to wait fo-" "Japan, you should be at the meeting now..." You looked up to see Soviet, Japan looked jittery"y-yes! Talk l-l-layer y/n-c-chan!" She tried to sound enthusiastic, but she was clearly scared. "Come on kid..." Soviet took you by the wrist leading you to a black car, "hell no, you are not driving..." You tried to catch a glimpse of who was in the drivers seat, not to your suprise it was third Reich. "Vou drove heir, so ich get to drive vack!" You saw him smirking, Soviet was clearly too tired to deal with his crap so he sighed. You walked up to the car and got into the back, you buckled in since Soviet seemed a bit worried, this was going to be a disaster you could tell...


The car started with a mighty blast, which lead you to be pushed back against the seat.
"Slow down!" Soviet screamed at third, " Nein! Vou're jast scarred!" Third said sharply Turing the car almost crashing Into a state, the whole city was now a blurr from how fast Reich was going. "You're going to hit someone!" Screamed Soviet followed by some words in Russian, you all were being tossed around in the speeding car. Reich ran several red lights and surprisingly didn't get hit...
That was something new you supposed, he started to go even faster once he made it out of the city causing Soviet to grab the wheel from third and take control from his seat, finally you all made it to the giant white house that you came in and just barely hitting the garage door.

{•glows of hope•} [ reader × countryhumans ] ((Finished))Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin