[ Chapter 34 : Family Seal ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

" I still can't believe that we're married " I laugh as we walk down the cobblestone path, hand in hand.

" We got married a day ago " he said, I smile and look at the ring on my finger.

" It's beautiful " I said.

" Well, like you " he said, I snicker.

" Shut up " I said.

" Four years together and I never knew this day would come " I said.

" Neither did I " he said.

" I guess we were so into hunting that marrying you never crossed my mind, am I a bad person? " I asked.

" No, anyone who has been out there like us probably never thought of it as well " he said.

" Probably " I said.

" Oh, and what's with the extra bouquets in Kc's house? " I asked.

" Today is my mother's memorial day, we'll be visiting her grave this afternoon " he said, I nodded.

We arrive at Aphmau's mansion.

I enter since the guards in this place knows us and we are allowed to walk in and out as we pleased.

" Someone's here " Laurence said as he look out the window, I did as well and see a horse that's a bit too familiar when I see some weapons that I've seen somewhere.

We both enter the parlor.

" Hey guys, what's going on, there's someone- " I stop talking when I see a familiar guy standing in front of Aphmau, Dante and Nicole.

" Leave, you're not welcome here anymore " Nicole said.

I turn to Laurence who has his face expression change and he's gripping my hand very tightly.

" Father " Laurence gritted his teeth.

The man turn around and smile as I notice his left eye has gone pure white.

" What are you doing here? " I asked.

" Can't I pay a visit at my wife's grave? " He asked.

Wife's grave?, Really?, That's all you got as an excuse?

" Today is the date of her death isn't it son?, Don't tell me you forgot "

" No, I did not, that is why I'm here with my wife " Laurence said.

Okay, that is really satisfying to hear him call me that.

Hayden turns to me not even shock on what Laurence just called me.

" When was the wedding? " He asked.

" None of your business, you need to leave, you are no longer the citizen of Phoenix Drop and are not welcomed anymore " Laurence said.

" That is not your decision to make " Hayden said.

" My father has made that clear to you decades ago, so please leave or I will have to forcibly remove you from my house " Aphmau said.

" I'll just be here for the memorial day and will be gone in five days, happy? " He gesture his hand out.

" You will leave in three days " Laurence said.

" As you pleased, and Y/n " he turns to me, I hummed in respond.

" Do be careful on what your doing " he said and I notice on he picked up a small box on the table by his satchel where I see a familiar amethyst quartz attached to the lock.

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