[ Chapter 22 : The Portal ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

I look over to the two blaze that has just spawned and they look at me and aimed fireball at me. I roll on the floor to the side exposing me to the other blaze behind me.

I stood up and keep hearing blasts from the ghast and it's cries. I stood up and swing my hand at the two blaze as a strong wind blows at them, it took out their flames and they suddenly go down on the floor with the rods glowing red, levitating around it.

Their recharging.

I run up to the blaze that is currently firing fireballs at me, I dodge three of them but one fireball hits me on the shoulder, I was about to yelp in pain when there was no pain.

I look at my shoulder as the fire just rest on my shoulder. It feels warm but not hot, I place my hand over the flames and my hand is not burning at all.

I put it out and look at the blaze as I smirk, I run at it and strike at it twice. It suddenly rest on the floor and the rods float around it as they start glowing.

I strike it one more time before it even began to recharge, my sword split the gold block in between the head, the rods then all slam down to the floor as the glow fades with sonorous sounds were made.

I pick up one and feel the warmth, it's hot but due to the fire resistance it's just warm. I pick up the other eleven, with all of it together, it suddenly burst in flames, I flinched I dropped in since it startled me.

I cast a spell in my head and blow on it.

It cooled down and I put it in my satchel, I look down at the blaze cracked head with my sword in it, I retract the sword from the head.

I hear a louder curddling scream and turn to the ghast to see it's on the ground dead with multiple arrows pierced through when it's eyes has water flowing down, I look at Laurence who collected the ghast tear with a vile.

Laurence look up at me and smile.

" Yes! " I shout as I smile.

Since I was too distracted by our victory fireballs sudden went past me and I felt a blast on my back shoulder. I fell to the ground and my chin hits the ground as I suddenly bite my lip.

" Ow " I groan in pain when blood trickles down.

Damn, did I really bite that hard?

I sit up and turn around to the two blaze that just recharged. They fire more and I got up as I start running, I go down the stairs where I came from and run down the hall, I look back and see they're not following.

I snicker and turn around then scream when Laurence stand there.

" It's me! " he said.

I sighed in relief and put my sword in it's sheathe.

" You scared me " I hug him and he hugs back.

" I run back as soon as I saw the blazes attack you " he said, we pull apart and he wipe the blood off my lip.

" Don't worry, I got the rods, nether warts and soul sand, what about you? " I asked.

" Got the magma cream and ghast tear, we just have to look for Courtney and Eddie " he said.

I nodded and we both walk down the hallway.

" How do we get out of here? " I asked.

" Don't know, we literally just jump off a cliff " he said, I chortle.

" It's been a while, Kal is probably tired of waiting for us " I said.

" The timeline is different we don't know how long he has been waiting " he said.

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