[ Chapter 32 : Beautiful View ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.   

I pick up the wood on the ground and set it aside to a pile of it.

" That's all you can do? " I hum in respond and turn around to see Angelo wiping the blood off his lips.

" I gave you a second chance, so don't waste it on me " I smile and turn around picking up another wood.

" It wasn't the worse thing I have done but, are you going to just stand there and watch or help the villagers?, Cause I like option two " I said and pick up my canister of water.

I take a sip and sigh in relief.

" I almost died " he said.

" Wow, I was definitely was not the cause of your heart attack there " I sarcastically said and put the canister down, I turn around and see him approaching.

I cross my arms and lean against the tree behind me.

" That won't protect you " I said as I see him holding a dagger on his right hand.

" I know, it's not for you " he said, I snicker.

" Your going to kill yourself?, Are you stupid? " I asked.

" And I thought you would be happy to see me die " he said.

" If I did you would be dead by then when I gave you that heart attack, if I wanted you dead, you'd be dead " I swing my hand away and the knife flew off his hand stab the ground next to my feet.

" As much as I hate you I still care about you, how dense can you be? " I walk pass him when he grab my arm and pull me back.

I look up at him and we stare at each other's eyes intensely.

" Let go " I said.

He let go and I brush off my sleeve.

" You could've just siphon my magic away when you had the chance " I said.

" I don't use my powers that way " he said.

" Then I was right, you are pathetic " I walk pass him and turn to the pile of woods.

I blink once and the wood went up aflame, I continue to make my way to the village and made it.

" Hey, where have you been? " Courtney approach.

" I was in the forest, burning some wood like you asked to " I said.

" Right, anyways pack up, we're setting out in a few " she said.

" Sure " I said.

" By the way, where's your friend Angelo? " She asked.

" Why? " I asked.

" He sort of looked hot " she said.

I sighed.

" What?, Did you guys fight or something? " She asked, I place my hand on her shoulder and pat it twice.

" Stay away from him " I walk pass her and she just stood there dumbfounded.

I head over to the house and I enter, I start packing my stuff when I pick up my bag and the strap went loose and the bag slipped off my hand then landed on my toe.

" Agh! " I grunted and laugh it off.

I clench my hand into a fist and hit the wall beside me as I sit down on the bed, I take a deep breath and exhale as the pain slowly subside. I pick up my bag and see the strap that had just snapped.

Fireworks【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now