[ Chapter 19 : Organs ]

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*play song*

~ Five Months Later ~

Y/n's pov.

" I haven't felt this relieve in years " I said as I lie back while I sit up on the bed with my arms over my stomach.

" Well, don't get too excited " Kal pass me a cup of water.

I sighed.

" Did Laurence sent me any more letter? " I asked as I sit up.

I take a sip when he takes out an envelope, I put down the cup and take it as I smile. He grabs a stool and sit down and I open the letter.

I start reading him and I chuckle.

" What did he say this time? " He asked.

I giggle and turn the other way.

" Okay " Kal said.

I sighed and turn back to him as I fold the paper back.

" Wanna share? " Kal asked.

" No, I'm a meanie " I said and get off the bed as I put the letter in my pocket.

He rolls his eyes away and I walk over to the window, I open in and the fresh air enters the room.

" Ugh " I block the light with my hand.

I turn away.

" So when will my magic come back and when am I going to get out of this hell? " I asked.

" One more night, we have to make sure you're not going to make my ears bleed again from screaming " he said.

" Your ears did not bleed " I cross my arms.

" I'm partially deaf now " he said.

" You are not " I said.

" Well now I am " he said.

I roll my eyes away and turn around to the window, I lean against the wall and look outside as I play the white strand while watching the kids running around the place.

" When can Laurence come? " I asked.

" Probably tommorow or the day after " he said.

I sighed.

" You wanna talk about your hair? " He asked.

" Why? " I asked.

" You always touch it and it's annoying "

" No one asked you to look at it douche bag "

" I don't really have a choice since it's what you always do " he said and I snicker.

" I did what I had to do in the past and I didn't regret it " I said.

" Make sense "

I then see a man on his horse entering the gate from the distance, he doesn't look like he's from here and I barely see visitors in this town. From what I can tell from his clothes, he looks like someone rich. He has dark brown hair and black midnight eyes.

" Well he's new in town " I said.

" Who? " Kal walks up next to me.

" Definitely a new face " he said.

" I thought Stratham is a place where everyone has gone to reach to Vrillia " I said.

He started going down the path of the market and he stopped at the stables. He got off the horse and turn around when he looked at me.

Fireworks【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now