Chapter 4

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So, i wasn't going to update til tomorrow (when my exams finish) but I've been writing at night before bed on my phone so I just put it all together and here we have another chapter. This is the longest chapter I've written and I'd love to know what you think about it so far etc. I had a three hour exam today and my final one hour one tomorrow so thank god it's almost over!


Demi realised how flushed her cheeks were so she tried to wave some cold air towards them and act completely normal. Who was she trying to fool. Despite her best attempts at pretending to not be attracted to him she failed every time and turned into what she truly was; an insecure sixteen year old.

"Well thanks but I'm okay now," she didn't mean to sound harsh but she could see the looks some of jocks were giving her from across the room and soon her group of girls would begin lecturing her when they stopped trying to mix the drinks up from the kitchen worktop.

"I'll see you around then" he winked and walked off to a few other people she had recognised at school. He seemed to be talking and laughing with them. They must be some of his friend hence why he was invited. Demi didn't know if she was looking at him too much but she was intrigued to what he was like outside of school. She'd only witnessed the text version of him and now she was seeing the real deal so to speak. 

"Dem, here you go" Sandra giggled clearly already gone as she handed her yet another red plastic cup with God knows what inside. She swallowed the liquid down squishing her face tightly together as the vodka burned down the back of her throat. That was clearly why she was never meant to accept drinks from a drunken Sandra. 

As the music began to get louder and the drunkenness seemed to be like an disease as it quickly spread to each student, Demi found herself lightly stumbling around in her high heels as she weaved in and out of people at the party. She didn't even notice two hands on her waist til she blinked and tried to remove herself from him. It was Dylan one of the Jocks in Wilmer's year. He was known for getting with sophomores and using them at parties like this. Demi didn't care how popular he was she wasn't becoming one of those girls. "Get off me" she mumbled her words couldn't form as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. What she'd give to be sober and in control of her body and speech fully. 

Dylan continued to roam his hands around her body despite her protest. He began pulling her, she struggled but she wasn't strong enough to rid of his grip. She knew he was beginning to get tighter onto her skin and he won. He dragged her up the stairs without so much of a stare from anyone else. Everyone was too far-gone and emerged in the loud bass music that was seemed to make spaces between each other non-existent. Demi kept crying as she found herself in one of the spare rooms alone with him.

"Dylan please... Don't,” she begged him. 

"So you do know my name huh? Well it looks like you're full of surprises today like look at that dress" his fingers played with the edge of the fabric and she gritted her teeth and looked away. She regretted wearing that damn dress. Why didn't she stick up for herself? The first time in a while she felt good about her body image and now she was about to lose something she couldn't get back to a jerk. No one knew the truth about her still being a virgin because everyone else wasn't, but what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them. They had lost theirs to pointless drunken one-night stands like tonight, whereas Demi valued the importance of it being with someone she loved and wanted to share such a milestone with. 

Break The Rules (Dilmer Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon