Chapter Thirteen

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Thank you and so sorry for the delay, university and work has been manic recently. I've only managed to post this update today (and the others following soon tonight) because I'm sick and can't work. Thank you for your support and this chapter is dedicated to Avahxyes


Demi had been so excited for her date ever since the second her mom confirmed it could happen. She is respecting her mom's decision and rang Wilmer later that night when he got home to explain that she should be home earlier than the time she set just to make sure she was allowed to go again. She knew her mom could change her mind at any point so even though she was excited and going through the many outfits she owned a small part of her knew this could be short lived. 

She left school the second the last bell rang, Wilmer now walked her home everyday once they met behind the bike sheds for their daily make out session before kissing her politely at her door knowing her mom would be peaking out of the window to make sure she wasn't being too overly open in public or what not. 

She kissed her mom's cheek when she entered and waved goodbye out the window to Wilmer. "I'm going to go do homework before dinner" Demi said. Her mom nodded and began to prepare the food. She couldn't help but notice how happy her daughter was since this man being introduced into her life. He had taken every inch of sadness and replaced it with a spark that shined so brightly in her eyes. 

Demi put her books on her desk and grabbed the three outfits she narrowed down too for the date in a few days. She already chosen a pair of heels that were universal so they'd suit all the options but she needed to decide soon so she could match her jewellery and hair to the pattern/material. 

It wasn't until the new voice she heard apparently that realised someone else was in her room. She didn't even hear the door open. "Hey" Sandra spoke up slightly confused by the clothes laid out on her bed meaning only one thing. 

"Hey! Your mom let me up, she said something about you most likely not doing work like you said but choosing an outfit" Sandra nodded. Demi stood nervously biting into her lip. 

"Yep" she popped the p and began shuffling the clothes to edge of her bed in a pile to put back into her wardrobe. 

"I think you should go with the skater dress and those heels you love" she offered her advice. Demi smiled knowing that was most likely going to be the option she'd go with and more than likely add a leather jacket In case it got cold later on. 

"So you gonna tell me who your mom is finally letting you go on a date with?" Sandra jumped slightly onto the end of the bed swinging her feet beneath her. 

"I'm sorry about yesterday" Demi avoided the question in true fashion and carried on walking around her room doing the tasks she could find that would keep eye contact at a minimum with her friend.

"Dem, I'm your friend you know? I know what really happened with Dylan you're forgetting I know you're a virgin you wouldn't lose it someone like him, you have so much more respect for yourself" she explained, Demi smiled comforted that at least someone truly knew her. She moved to sit down next to her friend. 

Demi battled within herself whether to tell her friend who it was. She knew Sandra was the only one who was truly her friend and not just using her for the credit it gained around school. She sighed before she told someone other than her mom the truth. "It's Wilmer" she kept her head down. 

"You look sad? Does he not treat you right?" Sandra asked. 

"No no, he's the best, I just didn't think you'd be okay with it after that night with the girls and stuff" Demi quieted up remembering how her so called friends completely ripped apart Wilmer for no apparent reason, it was all because he wasn’t a part of their social circle though the majority of the time she wished she wasn’t either.

"First of all, you know we're both not like them or really a part of them we just kind of linger” Sandra laughed.  “But if you're happy and he makes you happy, then know I support it and I’m always here to talk too about anything include the things that could happen" Demi thanked her. 

“I don’t think we’re at that stage yet…” Demi said honestly. She didn’t know where they was in general just that it was a state of bliss and she didn’t want anything to change.

“You know he sounds like a good guy so maybe when its time you’ll just know”

"However..." Demi's eyes turned sharply there was always a butt. "If he hurts you I will beat him up and get everyone too as well okay?" 

"Deal" Demi laughed. It was times like this she appreciated the close friendship her and Sandra had outside of their group of friends. It was distorted like the others it was normal and common.

Demi woke up the next morning with a clear view ready for the last day of school for that week and more importantly it was the day before her date with Wilmer. The week had gone extra longer than possible and to make sure her mom wouldn’t change her mind she’d been staying at home more and more than what she’d been doing so the idea of having several free periods today with Wilmer made her happy.

She said goodbye to her mom and told her she was stopping off at Wilmer’s after school to finish their English project which was true but she knew her mom still questioned her judgments sometimes, she understood. She felt two arms tightly wrap around her from behind. The corridor was bare which made it even more secretive.

“Oh no what will my boyfriend do, another guy is trying to sweep me away” Demi sarcastically added.

“He might be jealous you know” his familiar and husky tone whispered into her ear sending shivers down her spine.

“We wouldn’t want that now would we” she bite into her lip and turned into his chest. His face was inches apart as his lips finally met hers.

“Morning” he smiled and kissed her gently before retreating his hands to her hips to pull her closer against him.

“Is that it?” Demi tested him knowing he’d soon whisk her away and prove her wrong.

Wilmer grabbed her body and fiercely pushed her back against the locker, bringing her slightly to the corner of the block so they were hidden from anyone walking down. His hands roamed her body heavily as she panted at the touch and the sensation she felt whenever their skin met. She felt his lips suck on her neck, hitting that spot with every single pop it made whenever he pulled away and retreated back in like an animal.


“Oh it’s always better now” she giggled and breathed deeply, trying to hide the flushed shade of her cheeks as he walked away ready to his first class and the corridors began to flood full of people who were now turning up.

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