Chapter Twenty One

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Sorry for taking so long to update this but i added cute Dilmer! I hope you enjoy this. I love reading all of your comments, so thank you :)


Demi slowly walked back home. She didn't want to go inside. What if her mom saw her hands? Or even worse Wilmer... he'd no doubt come back to school and instead of mourning and taking the time he needed for himself he'd be there for her. She couldn't be that selfish. She refused to do that.

She felt her phone ringing in her pocket. She pulled it and saw 'Wilmer' light up the screen. She sighed and slid the button to allow the connection to take place.

"Hey" she smiled into the phone. The second she heard his voice all the bad thoughts and worries left her mind.

"Hey, your mom was wondering when you were going to be home as she's making something special for dinner?" She would never admit it, but she was so happy her mom was taking care of Wilmer. There a slight jealously attached that her mom had never taken care of her that way. She never left her hungry or abused her, nothing like that. But she wasn't emotionally there for her. But she was glad her mom was finally ready to be like that with her boyfriend.

"I'm now on my way"

"Ahh okay. I'll tell her to put it on now then" He told her. "Are you okay Dem?" He asked. She could tell his concerned tone made her worry he'd sensed something. She'd done everything she could to try not to wince as she held her phone and her bag.

"Nope, I'm fine" She lied. She hated lying to Wilmer but right now she needed to focus on him and, tomorrow.

"Okay, see you soon babe" He spoke and ended the call. She let a sign of relief but she knew it wasn't over. He'd see the state she was in and would work out something happened.

She walked quickly back to the house and walked in and headed straight for her room. She saw the glances her mom and Wilmer gave her from the table.

"Is she okay?" Dianna asked.

Wilmer didn't know honestly. "She sounded upset on the phone, but she said she was okay" he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm going to go check on her" Wilmer stood up.

"Wait" Dianna called for him. He turned around and faced her. "Let her come to you" She told him. He paused and thought about it and realised she was right. He came back and finished drinking his soda.

Demi was expecting Wilmer to come up any moment but thankfully he didn't. A part of her wanted him to just hold her and tell her it was okay but at the same time she was used to hiding everything in her life, why would this be any different?

She went into the bathroom that was attached to her room and pulled up her jumper to show her hand. She stared in amazement at the damage she'd caused just by punching an idiot. Her skin was torn and there was slight bleeding. She knew it was going to bruise badly as around the knuckles the skin had gone straight to a dark purple/blue colour. She grabbed ointments and cleaned it up, carefully not to make any loud sobs as she washed it with disinfectant. She wrapped the fresh new bandage around her covering the extent of her injuries and headed downstairs where she could smell the fresh food now being prepped.

"Hey sweetie" Her mom called out. She smiled lightly before sitting down next to Wilmer in her normal seat. She placed the two plates down in front of them and then grabbed hers and joined them.

"This is looks lovely mom" she replied as she dug her fork in and began to eat the dish she'd cooked.

"Dem, what the hell happened to your hand?" Wilmer noticed first of course, he picked her hand up and held it with so much care, like if he let go she'd break into pieces and shatter.

"Oh, I fell over in gym today and twisted it a little. The nurse at school just wrapped it up and told me to leave it a few days" she hoped the lie worked but she could see her mom sensing the truth even if Wilmer was slowly falling for it.

"I'm glad it's only that then. But are you sure Dem, we can go to hospital and get it checked out?" Wilmer said practically ready to leave his chair.

"Don't be silly. It's fine" She told him. He didn't seem convinced but carried on eating the dinner he didn't want to waste.

After the three plates were cleared her mom stood up and picked them up preparing to wash them up and put them back into the top cupboard where they belonged. "Let me please" Wilmer offered and Dianna thanked him.

"I'm going to go have a bath" Demi excused herself. she walked up the stairs and into the main bathroom of the home. She felt someone behind her. it was her mom.

"You made me jump" she slightly laughed.

"Demi why would you lie about your hand?" She gave that unimpressed mom look every child has experienced.

"I didn't lie mom" she gritted her teeth.

"Wilmer is downstairs and cannot hear but I know you well enough. If you strained your hand the nurse would have rang me up and asked if you were allergic to anything she used to treat you" Demi bite into her bottom lip and sighed.

"I don't want Wilmer to worry, please mom. I'll tell you everything after tomorrow but I'm okay and I need to be there for Wilmer right now" she begged. Dianna had never seen her daughter so scared of someone finding out something.

"I don't feel good about this Demetria" Her mom used her full name, she grunted whenever someone called her that.

"Mom, look I promise I will tell you everything the day after tomorrow but for right now it's a sport injury and it's all okay I promise" her mom shook her head but she knew she'd go along with it. Despite wanting to keep a distance she hadn't and got quite fond of Wilmer. She missed a man's presence and having someone willing to love her daughter and treat her well like helping her with tasks such as fixing doors and watering the garden.

Demi took her bath and spent the whole time anything but relaxed. She was nervous that her mom would say something. She let the water out and got changed into her pajamas and headed to her room. When she walked in she saw Wilmer already curled up on her bed. Her mom obviously had let him stay the night. She trusted them both to a certain extent at the moment. And of course she'd learnt how grateful Wilmer was to not be alone at such a hard time.

She smiled and pulled the duvet down her side and slid into the bed. She felt his arm wrap around her and pull her closer into his chest. She loved when he held her tightly. She never felt suffocated but protected. She leant her head back and nuzzled into his neck. His lips were kissing her the side of her face making her giggle quietly.

"I've missed this" he murmured into her ear.

"Me too" she said honestly. She wanted this moment the second she arrived at school. She'd want to stay like this for the rest of her life if the option was there.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" She asked him. She sensed it.

"Yes" he simply replied. Holding onto her tighter. "I'm scared, I don't know if I'm ready" he replied.

She closed her eyes tighter, holding onto his hand, showing she'd never let go. "I'm going to be there for every second okay?" He never she was serious because her tone stayed the same.

"I know" he replied confidently.

"I love you Wil"

"I love you Demi"

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