Chapter One

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Hello! So this is my new story I've been debating posting for a few weeks now and I suddenly had the motivation to start it tonight and here we are. I'd really love to hear what you think after the first chapter. Unlike most of my other stuff I want this to be a mostly rated story (so here's hoping it pleases you rated dilmer lot!) 

Plot: Demi is 16 years old and a sophomore. Wilmer is an 18-year-old senior in his last year of high school.


The sun was shining bright in California, everyone was rushing to their 9-5 jobs, and the crowds of school kids scurried along the pavements realizing they were going to be late. Despite today feeling like an ordinary day it wasn’t. What Wilmer didn’t know was his first day at his new school would have an everlasting effect on him.

He hadn’t wanted to change to this high school, but with his old district school had failed every single standard assessment and they had no choice but to close the school and send the few students it had left to the outstanding academic ones in the area. This was one of them, Palm West High. Wilmer had heard about it from his neighbors, all the stories made shivers down his spine as he listened intensively to how the girls dressed and acted, to how the boys were players and all they cared about was football and girls and more importantly how the school didn’t do anything to stop this because it was hidden so well from adult eyes. He stood outside the entrance and could not believe these rumors were true. Only him and his friend Michael had transferred from his old high school because they lived within the distance, everyone else had gone elsewhere and this meant he knew he’d be alone for the majority of the day. One of the only appeals to the school was it was specialized in performing arts, something he was passionate for and this meant he could finally get the opportunities he deserved. He didn’t believe in his own talent but others around him told him often if he tried and went for it, his dream could come true.

He walked into the building hoping his first day wouldn’t be anything like the horror stories he heard of. He walked to reception first and was greeted and handed a timetable along with a locker key and a map. He smiled fakely as he tried to work out how to firstly carry all these items and work out where to go or what to do first. He went to his locker first and put the key in thankful it actually opened. He put the few times he brought with him inside except from a notebook and a pen. He opened the map and began to try work out how to get to this first class. He followed the map like a tourist around the school, earning some unimpressed locks from the lower years, he would’ve felt embarrassed if he had no clue what he was doing. He reached his first class, English and walked in taking the first available chair and sitting down.

He didn’t realize someone was stood in front of his desk til the light was drawn away and he suddenly felt the heat against his skin of someone else’s warmth.

“Oh” he spoke out, he saw what he could only describe as the most beautiful girl in front of him. He looked up from her legs first to her head, admiring her body as he went. He couldn’t help it. Her legs were perfect, her hips were curvy yet delicious and her waist suited her perfectly. Her long curls were bouncing past her shoulders and her face contained a small amount of makeup.

“You’re kind of sitting in my seat…” she hummed before she waited for him to move. However he didn’t. She looked at him questioning his motives or just his general survival. Did he not know how school worked? How class systems worked?

“There’s no seating assignment right?” he asked as cocky as she first spoke to him. She bite into her lip as she shaked her head as a response. “Then I shouldn’t have to move” he stood his ground and clearly had irritated her. She stomped her foot and sat behind him. The teacher walked in and began to teach but firstly introduced Wilmer to the rest of the class. Throughout the class all he could hear was her screwing gum and doodling on her page. He turned around a few times to her glaring at him before he turned back around quickly so he wouldn’t get in trouble. What was wrong with this girl? Why was she so unfriendly?

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