Chapter Twelve

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Thank you so much for being so patient with these updates, like I said i'm aiming for once a week maybe more if I have time too (though atm I won't everything is SO hectic!) This chapter is dedicated to ddlweakness who is also a very talented writer and just generally an amazing person. 


Demi was relieved when Wilmer said he’d come back in a few hours when they normally ate. A part of her felt like this was a trap or a cunning plan on her mother’s behalf but then the look in her eyes was something she hadn’t seen since her father left. Despite how heartbroken she was at the time her mother also had been saved in a way. Her father wasn’t a loving nor tender man, he didn’t care for those sorts of things, he never appreciated her nor showed he loved her other than using her.

She spent the rest of the afternoon with her mom in the kitchen. She helped her prepare and cook the meal, it looked and smelt delish. The nerves were setting deeply in her stomach as the doorbell rang and it was the realization this was the first time he’d ever step foot in her home. His was so lovely compared to hers, I mean it was more than enough for herself but compared to his luxuries it was nothing special.

“Hey” he greeted her, planting a soft kiss upon her cheek before walking in. he held in his arms two bunches of flowers. He handed demi the roses and she couldn’t held but feel her cheeks redden. She hadn’t expected anything from him, and she also felt bad as she forgotten to get him anything. He went over to her mom and handed her a lovely bunch of daises and other flowers. She thanked him honestly and they all sat down at the table while Demi’s mom put the plates down in front of everyone.

“This is delicious Mrs. Lovato” Wilmer complimented the food.

Demi smiled at him waiting for her mom to say something nice back. “Thank you Wilmer. It’s a family recipe.” she explained before putting more of the Mexican food into her mouth.

“So when did you meet my daughter?” she asked against the awkwardly silence that had grown as everyone was currently finishing their plates.  Wilmer kept glancing to check Demi was okay and this wasn’t unnoticed by Dianna.

“At school mam” Wilmer spoke confidently.

“It’s Dianna, Wilmer. And that’s interesting. You’re older I assume?”

Wilmer chocked for a second, Demi’s hand went to rub his back to make sure he was okay. He smiled at her reassuringly. “I am, I’m two years older than your daughter”

“Do you have any plans for the future then?”

“I’d like to carry on my education I think, for now I’m just taking every day as it comes” he expressed in such a way that captivated Demi yet again. He was that sort of guy whom you knew you could lose in and yet feel so safe at the same time. She craved his arms holding her tightly right now. The idea of him leaving her despite how quickly they’d developed this relationship upset her.

“You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders” she simply told him. He nodded thankful of the compliment. Before the conversation turned even more serious Demi stood up excusing herself and putting the dishes on the side before cutting up the cake they had baked that afternoon and gave everyone a slice.

After they finished desert and it was cleared up on the side ready to be washed Dianna excused the couple and told Demi to take him on a tour of the house while she cleaned. Demi nodded and took Wilmer’s hand as she showed him around.

She opened her door on the last room of the tour. “So this is my room…” she laughed. It wasn’t childish like it had been only a few years ago but still it wasn’t at the mature level she wanted it to be yet. She wanted the furniture all white and cute photos to hang down.

“It’s very you” he teased her. She rolled her eyes before pushing him out of her way gently and sitting on the edge of her bed, bringing her feet up underneath her lap. He came and sat next to her, his arm going around her waist wanting to be close to her again.

“I told you dinner would be okay” he nudged his nose into her cheek. She giggled before kissing his nose.

“You did, didn’t you” he said irritated he was right. Though she didn’t want it to fail she just knew her mom better than anyone. Maybe she was changing and this was her first step, accepting a guy who wasn’t bad for them.

 “And maybe” he spoke hushly as he planted kisses along the neck. “She’ll let us go on dates now, like official ones were you’re not pretending your with your friends”

“I think you’re getting ahead of yourself,” Demi laughed.

“Hey, I can dream about taking my girl out” he posed and she couldn’t help but giggle in response. He really did bring out the best qualities of her.

“Your girl hey?” Demi asked intrigued. Their relationship she was now calling it herself had changed so much in the last week. From pretending to not acknowledge him she now wanted to be called his girl. She liked the way it sounded coming off his lips.

“If you want to be of course” she nodded and bite into her lip before crashing hers against his without his resistance. She felt his tongue enter and couldn’t help but smile further into his lips. She missed he touch of him, any touch of him, it excited her, made her feel alive and more importantly she felt the love it gave her.

“However much I’m enjoying this rather close experience with my girl, I should  go home before I don’t stop” he winked and she nodded understanding. She kissed one last time before walking him downstairs and out of the front door. Dianna quickly caught up with them before Wilmer left. Demi’s heart began to beat fastly what was she about to say.

“Wilmer, if you’d like to take Demi out this weekend you’re welcome too” Dianna said before leaving them to say goodbye and retreated back into the house.

“So 7pm sound good?” he kissed her forehead before walking away.

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