Chapter Sixteen

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Thank you so much for your patience even though it's spring break it's been an intense and busy one. This should make up for it. This is dedicated to marinawrites


Demi had left her mom speechless on the couch she knew she was confused yet a thousand words could come out of her mouth if she choose too. She removed herself from the awkward situation and went upstairs to her room.

She changed into her favourite pair of pajamas and got into the middle of her double bed. She looked down at her phone and saw Wilmer had texted her a few times. She opened the messages and instantly noticed the different way he was texting her.

She didn’t understand what was wrong, he’d only been gone an hour and suddenly his entire attitude towards her seemed cold. They’d been so perfect only an hour ago, had she done something wrong?

Demi began replying back to him, hoping he’d open up and talk to her. She now began to realize this whole time she hadn’t found out anything about him, every assumption she made was from her own judgment not his. He hadn’t told her a single thing she couldn’t find out from his Facebook or a friend. Yet he knew so much about her, personal things, things she liked and didn’t. Things she’d eat and more importantly her secrets, her fears and worries. She went to sleep that night hoping the next day at school would be different yet she knew it wouldn’t.

The next day she went downstairs and noticed how her mom was acting perfectly normal like their conversation last night didn’t happen. She’d bring it up but she knew her mom would talk to her about it when it was more on her terms and that she was fine with. She always wanted to talk about her dad but understood how difficult it was for her mom.

“Where’s Wilmer this morning?” her mom remarked she looked down to the brown watch on her wrist and noticed he was late. Demi shrugged and sent him a text. She waited for a seconds for the reply to come in.

‘I’m ill’. Demi frowned.

“Was that him sweetheart?”

“Yeah” Demi paused. “He said he was ill”

“Tell him I said to get better soon. Lets hope you don’t come down with anything huh” her mom said as she placed her hand across her forehead feeling an upcoming temperature.

“See you later” Demi kissed her cheek and left for school.

Demi walked into school to see the building full of people like usual. She walked to her locker having to move a few people out of her way so she could reach hers. She sighed as she pulled out her phone and seeing Wilmer hadn’t texted her back except to say thanks to her mom for wishing him better. She hated feeling like this. It was exactly why she didn’t date. She was turning into those whiney girls who want to be loved. That wasn’t who she was.

She went to her first class completely ignoring everyone who spoke to her. There was one person she actually wanted to speak too and they didn’t want to return the favor. She sighed as she sat down in a seat at the back of the class, putting her bag in the chair so no one could sit down next to her. She couldn’t deal with anyone today.

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