Chapter Twenty Two

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Hello! So, it feels like ages since I last posted. If you are still reading this i'm SO grateful and I hope you enjoy this very late update!


The day has come that demi didn't want to see. She knew how hard today would be; not only for Wilmer but also for herself. She'd seen how strong he was but also she now knew the vulnerable and scared side of him too. She knew him like a book and despite loving him she knew she couldn't fix everything. Today he needed her and she needed to be there for him no matter what happened. She needed to be stronger for the both of them and then tonight she needed to hold him tightly to reassure him he would be okay. She never thought she'd be like this; someone to rely upon but it shocked her how much she fitted into it naturally.

Not much had changed except waking up to someone every morning who smiled and kissed her lips with as much affection that if that was her last ever kiss she'd live happily. "Are you okay?" She asked and she turned and leaned over his shoulder to peak at his face.

He sighed loudly before turning and holding his arm comfortably around her waist. "Yeah" was all he said. His tone was focused and short. She kissed his cheek gently and snuggled in closer to his chest. Right now no amount of words could make this day easier but just by holding him she knew he wasn't alone.

For the next half an hour they laid like this. Like nothing else mattered. They looked up when they heard a light tap on the door. A few seconds later Dianna poked her head in and smiled. Demi had fallen asleep in Wilmer's arms as he looked down at her the whole time.

"I was just coming to say you have an about an hour til we have to leave" she explained. Wilmer nodded and gently nudged demi til she woke up in his arms and smiled seeing her mom stood at the door.

The next hour had been the most silent this house had ever been. Wilmer got changed in his room and only asked Demi to help him adjust his tie while she got dressed into a long black dress that she wore only to formal occasions.

They walked downstairs to see her mom dressed up in black trousers and a long white blouse. She smiled and walked with them to the door. Wilmer paused as he stood and stared at the two cars that were currently outside Demi's home. One car was for them to travel in while the other contained the coffins his grandparents were inside of. He felt guilty being the one with the fresh air and passion for life.

"It's okay" Demi whispered besides him. Her mom had already got into the car leaving her daughter to be with her boyfriend. Within a few minutes he took a deep breath and got into the car sitting in between both the women who had protected him and took care of him when he needed it most.

They arrived promptly at the crematorium. They had often joked but meant it seriously when they asked for him to respect their wishes and of course Wilmer would. As they stood inside the small chapel he noticed several of his friends from school had turned up, he recognised his neighbours and his grandparents friends from bingo and bowls; the extra activities they did. He took Demi's hand as the men with the coffins walked in and placed them down at the front. As soon as they were placed next to each other a part of Wilmer disconnect from reality. He wanted to close his eyes and just skip this part. He thought he could handle it but right now he doubted himself. He felt his hands beginning to shake. Demi had caught on. She leaned over and whispered into his ear. "You're going to be okay" she told him.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I know you" she smiled and held his hand tighter than ever before.

The service was simple but personal to the family and friends who knew the wonderful pair. Wilmer had smiled and at points laughed at the "story" he'd written with Dianna's help about their adventures and life. He always loved the story of how they first met and the hundreds of pointless arguments they had; they never meant anything in the end. Half the time they were over who washed the dishes with the wrong liquid scent.

They said goodbye to the loved ones and returned back Demi's house for the after service. Dianna had insisted they held it there as if it all got too much for Wilmer he had somewhere he could go and just be alone for a while. One of Dianna's friends had used the spare key to get the house ready for when they returned. They put up some old photos and a selection of easy food and paper plates.

"This is so much" Wilmer gasped as he walked into the house he'd been in for a while but felt like he was seeing it for the first time.

"They deserved it" Dianna said simply not giving Wilmer any opportunity to respond back.

"Thank you" he smiled.

Wilmer spent the next hour walking around thanking the people who attended the service. He knew how much they valued his grandparents. Most of them were friends they made around his age and he grew up with half them acting like surrogate uncles and aunties towards him. They all vowed to stay in touch and a part of them knew they would keep their word and check in on him regularly as they did already.

"Hey" demi had waited til the guests began to leave before walking over to Wilmer. She knew he needed time to speak to these people and she wanted him to have those precious moments alone. He'd learnt she wasn't far away and she'd even spot him occasionally looking out of the corner of his eye seeing where she was.

"Hey" he breathed deeply. The worst was over.

"Dem, can you help me please?" They both looked over towards her mom who was trying to mop up a split drink. Demi kissed his lips quickly before going across the room to help her mom.

"She's got a good hock on her" he recognized the sour voice from anywhere. Ryan.

"Sorry?" The majority of things he said were confusing and irrelevant.

"Your girlfriend has a good hit!" he bitterly grunted.

"How would you know?"

"My nose" he simply said and noticed Wilmer observe the fine stitch work that had been medically done.

"No idea who taught her" he laughed. "I heard her dad was a vicious man too probably how the bitch learnt" Wilmer turned a shade of a full force red.

"Take that back I'm warning you" he felt his fists crunching together. His eyes were focused and direct. And his posture was ready.

"Take it back? Look what your slut did to me?" His voice rose.

Wilmer didn't know what had taken over him but his own fist launched for the bruised side of his face and collided at a record speed towards his cheekbone. He fell down as the force touched.

Demi and Dianna ran as fast as they could throw what seemed like a crowd of people towards Wilmer. Demi grabbed onto his waist pulling him away from Ryan before he caused any more damage. She also knew all the people he'd grown up with were looking at him differently.

"What happened?" Demi asked him calmly. She was observing his hand to see he had only luckily broken the skin and a small layer of purple was just forming.

"You" he grunted and pushed his way past the crowd towards the front door.

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