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Anna's POV

I was getting ready for my date when Katie called me. She gave me some suggestions for my date. It was not my first date but I was still nervous. I saw the time and I was 25 minutes late. Uhh, Katie talked a lot and I lost track of time. I looked in the mirror and looked at myself. My shirt was light blue color which matched well with my eyes. 

I went out and saw the weather was cloudy. I went back to my house to take an umbrella. I reached the park and saw that I was 30 minutes late.

I went to the gate and started to look for him. I looked around for him and found him on a bench. But he wasn't alone.

He was kissing another girl and his hands were on her waist. I wanted to close my eyes and wanted it to be a nightmare but it was real.

I couldn't believe it and started to cry. He stopped kissing her but then looked at me. I saw who the girl was and it was Emily. His face described one word-Horror.

He started to come towards me but I was on my way to my house. I didn't want to look at him.

"Anna wait" Jack yelled and came running towards me and caught up with me. I was not in shape to run, so I turned back and confronted him.

"Why did you want me to come? Tell me" I shouted at him. He looked at me with guilt.

"Please Anna, let me explain. It's not what it looks like" He said calmly. His eyes were straight sad but I was too angry at him.

"What do you have to explain? I saw it with my own eyes. I never thought you would do something like that. I BELIEVED YOU" I was straight yelling and with each word came more tears. He looked like he was killed from inside.

"I know but please listen to me, I was tricked." He said.

"You are the smartest guy I know and you are telling me you were tricked. I don't want to talk to you now. We can resolve it later" I said and by later I meant never. I think he realized it too. He was a smart guy, that's why I liked him.

"Anna, I know I broke your trust and you hate me now. But please let me tell you the truth. I don't want you to believe that I broke my promise. Just let me say it and I will never disturb you ever again" He said sadly. I didn't hate him. I started to love him, that's why it hurt so much to see him cheat on me. And he said he will never disturb me ever again, I don't know how I felt about that.

"Fine tell me," I said and frowned. It started to rain a little but I didn't bring out my umbrella.

He told me what happened and it was unbelievable. I didn't know Emily would use her mimicry to this level. Part of me wanted to believe him but I couldn't. I couldn't trust him now.

I felt so vulnerable that I wanted to fall in his arms and cry. He had that effect on me and staying with him, I felt safer. But I had some self-respect and doing that will not be good.

For a while, I didn't say anything and he was studying me expecting a response.

"Anna I should have seen who it was before kissing. I am very sorry" He said. His voice was weak and the rain was falling. We stood there not caring that we both are going to be drenched and might catch a cold. But there were more important things than catching a cold right now.

"How do you not distinguish between me and Emily?" I asked him. 

"Her voice was so real, I didn't think it could have been other anyone else's than yours. I trusted your voice" He said. I don't know if he was telling me the truth but I need time to think.

"You are not believing me, are you?" He said. His voice was slightly angry but I don't know how he is getting angry. He is the one who cheated on me. I don't want to stand here anymore arguing with him.

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