A New Chapter Begins

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Jack's POV

Sunday was great. I got up and did my usuals. I went downstairs to see my mom and dad having breakfast. My mom had made pancakes and those were yummy. I finished it and my dad asked me about school academics. We finished talking and I went to my room and started on my Archeology assignments. I finished it rather quickly and started checking my phone for any notifications. My phone buzzed at that moment and I freaked out at the message.

Anna-Can I stay at your house for a few days?

I quickly replied 


Ok that was a stupid reply . She probably had a fight with her parents. I called her on the phone straight away.

"Umm hello?" I asked.

"Yeah hi Jack " She said somewhat sadly.

"Ok tell me what happened." I said and she told me how she told the whole truth to her parents and her parents wanted to change her school. I heard it all but I was not satisfied. It felt like she was hiding something and didn't tell me the whole story.

"Ok let me ask my mother first" I said and ran back downstairs. I saw my mother and told her about Anna and her fight with her parents.

"So how many days does she wanna stay for?" She asked me.

"Well she didn't tell how many exactly but she said a few days" I said and she nodded.

"Hmm okay tell her she can stay, but you have to sleep on the couch as she will take your room" She said and I nodded.

"Okay I can manage" I said and went to my room and messaged Anna.

Jack- Yeah my mom is cool with it. Are you coming today?

She replied immediately.

Anna- Yeah probably, thank you for letting me stay at your house.

Jack-Yeah no big deal :)

I started to clean my room up and made some space in the closet for her clothes.

It was 5 pm and the doorbell rang. I went downstairs to see Anna with a suitcase. I smiled and she smiled back.

"Come in" I said and she thanked me. My mom came and hugged Anna.

"Good to see you Anna dear, Jack take her to your room. Anna you can sleep in his bedroom. He will sleep on the couch." My mom said and smiled and I took Anna to my bedroom.

"Wow you have a clean room, Jack" She examined the room and went to sit on my bed. I sat beside her.

"So your parents allowed you to leave their house?" I asked her and she looked down. 

"I just told them that I will stay at a friend's house and I just left the house" She said.

"Won't they come looking for you?" I asked 

"I don't know , they don't care about me and just want to push me into things I don't want to do. How can any parents do something like that to their daughter?" She said and her eyes were filling with tears.

"Anna, they do care about you. They are just strict" I reassured her and she looked at me.

"Easy for you to say. You have such amazing parents. Everyone in school likes you. Who am I? Just a loser who thought someone liked me just to be embarrassed in front of the whole school. I have no one." She said crying and her last line just felt like a spear pierced into my heart. After all this, How can I be still 'no one' to her ? I got up from the bed stared blankly into space. She realized what she had said. She got up too and stood in front of me.

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