Argument at Canteen

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Jack's POV

I stood there dumbstruck.Anna again called me and I begin to walk toward them.I tried not to make eye contact and kept my head down. Part of me was feeling sad and I knew this who this guy was. He was the captain of the school Rugby team.He had a well-built body and he was somewhat handsome(It's weird to compliment a guy so I am gonna stop now).

"Hi,how was your class" I asked her with a fake smile.

"Umm Biology was great and Maths was somewhat good"She replied "Jack I want you to meet someone." She said with a pause "Jack this is Drake, he is my boyfriend and Drake this is Jack, he is my ....."

"Friend" I said before she finished.

"Hey man, good to see you"Drake offering a handshake. I nodded and shook his hand.

"So, how did you guys meet?" I asked , still keeping my faked smile. I didn't want her to feel that I was jealous. I am not jealous. She is my best friend and nothing more. I reassured myself.

"During the summer Drake asked me out and we went out a couple of times,and eventually we started dating" She said looking into Drake.

"So you lied to me about your fights with your mom and he is the reason you didn't contact me during the summer" I snapped and I could feel the heat rising on my face.When she told me about her mom, I felt bad about her but I can't believe she lied to me.

"Ok Jack I didn't want you to feel bad ,so I didn't tell you about him. And I did have some fights with my mom" She said raising her eyebrows towards me " Why are acting this weird and getting angry?" She asked me with a glare.

I suddenly realized the whole canteen was silent and was listening to our conversation.

"No, I am not angry" I lied " I will meet you in Arts " I said and quickly stormed off towards the exit.

Anna's POV

I couldn't understand Jack's problem. He looked upset and angry before storming off. I felt bad for not telling him about Drake. We always shared our problems . But Drake wasn't a problem. He was a good guy and I felt happy with him. Then suddenly a thought occurred to me.  Jack was jealous of Drake. But why would he be jealous of Drake? We were good friends and we were close in a friendly way.

"Hey, you good?" Drake said and I snapped out of my thoughts. He smiled and I also smiled back.

"Anna you should be off for your class, the break is almost over" He said pointing towards the clock.

Oh no only 5 minutes were left for the class to start. I got up and Drake kissed me on my cheek. I blushed and I could see Drake smiling. Oh he is so sweet.

"Good luck with your practice" I said and I was off towards my class.

I got to class and saw the class was almost full. Our teacher was not in class yet. I scanned the room, trying to find an empty seat . Arts was an easy subject so most of the students took Arts . I could only find one seat empty and that was beside Jack. Oh gods, I have to deal with this awkward situation now. I got there and sat beside him. He was writing something on a paper with his head down and didn't look up to see me. 

"Hi" I said quietly. He suddenly put his head up and saw me. I looked into his brown eyes and he looked back to mine.

"Hi" He replied breaking the connection.

"So how have you been during this summer? We didn't get to talk much lately" As soon as I said it, I felt guilty. I always used to call him and talk about stuff.It was me who didn't try to contact him. I thought that he will again get mad and will snap back at me.

"Yeah I am fine" He answered rather calmly.I felt relieved that he didn't get angry again.

"Hey what's the matter with you, you are acting weird today" I asked him.

"Really you think I am acting weird , I thought I was always weird" He answered back laughing. I also laughed a little.I always loved how he  tries to cheer me .Oh gods did I use 'loved'. 

"Mrs. Garcia and Mr. Smith, What is going on? What are you laughing at?" Mrs. Davis asked sharply.

I didn't notice that our Arts teacher had arrived and the whole class was looking at me and Jack.

"Sorry mam" We both apologized and kept our mouths shut for the whole class.

I made a picture of some marine animals underwater. My dream is to become a Marine Biologist. I really fascinate the ocean. Jack made a picture of some old ruins . I know he wants to become an Archeologist so I thought it might be some famous archeological site.

"Jack, what is this place that you drew?" I asked him after class. He looked shocked and his lower jaw touched the ground.

"You don't know what is this?"He asked me still shocked and I shook my head. He sighed and said "This is the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, one of the most famous archeological sites in the world.It was the largest settlements of Ancient Indus Valley civilization............"He continued on for a good 5 minutes.

I reached my physics class and I sat with Katie . She told me about Leo and her dating . I told her about Drake and so our physics class ended rather quickly. Now was my Chemistry class. I am really bad at chemistry . I had to take chemistry in order to pursue my dream. Jack was rather good at Chemistry but he didn't take this subject this year. Last year he helped me in Chemistry a lot but this time I have to suffer alone.

Chemistry was very boring and after a thousand years, it ended. I went to my locker to put my stuff back. Jack came to his locker(which was beside mine) and he smiled at me. I felt relieved at seeing his old smile back. Today he has been acting very weird but now he was back into his old self.

We went to the bus stand to wait for the bus to arrive. It was the only bus through our home route so we both needed to take the same bus.

"So how was your day"He asked smiling.

"Yeah, it was pretty good actually except you know chemistry" I replied and he laughed a little.

"See Anna, I can help you with chemistry. I had bought the textbook but I decided to not take the subject afterward. So, if you want then I will study chemistry at home and I can help you with yours" He said smiling .

"Will you really do that?" I asked excitedly.I calmed myself and continued " I mean you already have so many subjects and studying chemistry will not help you in future" I said.

"Hey, I will do anything for my best friend" He smiled and winked at me. I blushed a little.

"I can come to your house tomorrow to help you with it" He added and I nodded.

"Thank you so much" I said smiling .

"Anything for you, My Lady" He bowed and we burst out laughing

Our bus arrived and we sat together.

"Umm Jack I have been thinking to ask you something" I said not meeting his eyes. 

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