Plan Or Problem?

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Jack's POV

"So guys this is Emily, you probably remember her from eighth class," I said to my friends. We were in the canteen and I introduced Emily to my group. Everyone shook her hand and introduced each other. When the introductions were over, Leo called me outside of the canteen to talk.

"Dude, what will you do?" He asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I replied. 

"You told us that Emily was your crush so, have you talked to Anna about this" He said and I got worried. I told them about Emily because I never thought she would come back. Honestly I don't have the same feeling for her now. She is just a friend to me.

"Ya, I will tell her. Now let's eat, I am starving" I said and we both went back.

Anna smiled as I sat beside her. Emily sat on the opposite side of my table.

"Jack I so you didn't tell me about your life for the last 3 years. How have you been?" Emily said to me and smiled.

"Ya, pretty much same, nothing interesting" I said and she looked at me raising her eyebrows.

"You didn't miss me?" She asked me. I looked at Anna and she was talking to Katie. Well, I guess she was pretending to talk.

"For a few months, yes but I was more angry than upset. I didn't think you will leave without saying anything. But I know now that you didn't have any choice."I said and she nodded. The bell rang and I swallowed my food quickly and we ran to our classes.

The day ended and I went to my lockers. I saw Anna waiting for me and she was talking to Emily. I have seen Anna talk to her many times today, and I am happy they have become friends. I went to Anna and kissed her cheek. She looked at me and smiled. 

"Jack, why didn't you tell me about Emily's talent?" Anna asked somewhat angrily and I was taken aback. What talent?

"Umm, I am really lost. What didn't I tell you?" I replied nervously and they laughed.

"No, he doesn't know. I learned it when I was at my uncle's. I was new to Texas and didn't have any friends, so I thought to give it a try." She said looking proud of her talent.

"What did you learn?" I asked.

"Mimicking, I mean I can say some sentences in someone's voice. It's not very good but it may convince someone." She said.

"Try in Jack's voice" Anna said and Emily smiled.

"Ok let me try. Hi, I am Jack, I am 16 years old and I have a girlfriend" She said and Anna laughed at the last part. It was really convincing and I was literally my voice.

"How did you do that?" I asked and she flowed her hair back from her shoulder.

"Talent" She said proudly and we all laughed.

"But please don't use your 'talent' to take advantage, if you know what I mean" I said and she nodded.

"I just use it for fun" She said and we kept talking about her mimicry. We got to the bus stand and me and Anna took the common bus. Emily took another bus.

"Anna, are you and Emily friends now?" I asked.

"Yes sweetheart" She said and hearing her say that gave me butterflies. 

"Ok" I said and she laughed at my awkwardness. 

"Umm Jack, I need to know something. Do you-" She said and I cut her off.

"No no never. I don't feel the same towards her anymore." I said and she looked relieved.

"Ok I got it. Thanks" She said and I smiled. 

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