Chapter 31 | Yukino

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Lucy POV.


It's been ten minutes since Loke left to Sabertooth. We all are watching the screen, I was mostly thinking about Yukino. I hope she's safe.. Asuka fell asleep on Aries a few minutes ago so they went to the room Natsu was staying in so she could sleep.

Another few minutes go by till we are all startled when the doors are flung open. We looked over and saw Loke, Sting, Rogue, and Minerva in the celestial clothing. I quickly stood up.

"Loke? Is Yukino okay?" I said worried. I could sense Natsu looking up at me before he turned to the group.

"Unfortunately, she has not been found." Loke said, pushing up his glasses.

"W-what do you mean? Where is she?" I walked over to them, Natsu got up and followed me.

"There was an attack at the guild, we were all fighting till suddenly they all started disappearing. We did a count and everyone was okay, but Yukino was missing." Minerva said, she sounded disappointed, not about us, but that she let them get Yukino.

"So they ambushed you, took what they needed, and left." I said, and they nodded. I started to tremble a bit but Natsu had hugged me from behind to comfort me.

"They guys! Might wanna come see this." Scorpio yelled at us. We all walked over and looked back at the screen.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Look." He pointed to where the light was coming from before, when Abbadon was summoned. "The light is back, except it's blue.."

"What does this mean?" I asked quietly.

"Not sure, maybe he's trying to summon someone else?" Capricorn questioned.

"Summoned?" Sting asked.

"So aft Damon has summoned a creature named Abbadon, which is what the guild is fighting right now." I pointed to the screen. "And where the light is, is where he had summoned it, which means that he could be summoning another creature." I said and he nodded. "But right now, we need to find Yukino." I said, leaning my back against my chair, Natsu put his hand on mine and gave me a reassuring smile.

"When you were fighting the attackers on your guild, did you notice anything?" Capricorn asked.

"Yes. We sensed a weird power, it felt really powerful but it also had something else with it. I couldn't quite tell though.." Minerva said and the two slayers nodded.

"Sounds like him." I said, eyes locked on the light.

"Look!" Natsu pointed at the light, "it changed color!" He was right, the light had turned purple.

"This is confusing.." Sting said.

"Welcome to my life buddy." I said to him, I heard him huff. I looked back at the fight below and saw more members are charging 'Abbadon'. While Wendy was healing members before fighting again. Gray and Juvia did a unison raid on the creature, which struck on of the eyes while Erza distracted it. One more eye to go..

"I'm going to message Master Makarov about Yukino. I'll be back." Loke said and disappeared.

"I hope she's okay.." I said quietly.

"She'll be okay, she's tuff." Natsu said, looking at me. I nodded in response and let out a sigh.

A few more minutes pass, we were just watching the screen in silence, thinking about our next move. A light shined next to us as Loke appeared.

"I informed Master, but there's one thing I was confused about." He said, this caught all of our attention as we all stared at him. "I sensed Damon again. He's not far."

"What? But I thought you said his presence fully disappeared!" Sting asked or well, shouted, not loudly tho.

"We did. Or maybe we thought." I said, putting a hand to my chin.

"What do you mean?" Rogue asked.

"What if he never disappeared? Only his presence did?" I asked.

"I don't understand.." Natsu said confused, I sighed.

"What if he masked his presence, or used some sort of spell to block us from sensing it? We would have been able to pin point where the presence was going if he headed toward Sabertooth." I stated.

"He blocked his presence from you guys so you didn't know where he was going, and caught us off guard.." Minerva answered, I nodded.

"Exactly.. Damon knows what he's doing, he's trying to throw us off." I looked at Capricorn.

"It's very likely that thats true, and now that we sense it again he's making sure we know he's here, and that he has what he needs." Capricorn said, which lead to everyone silently thinking.

"I'm gonna check on Asuka, are Lector and Frosch with her?" Virgo asked, the twin dragons nodded. She quickly stood up and left for the room where the three are. Suddenly a loud noise broke us out of our minds.

"What's that noise?!" Sting and Natsu yelled at the same time.

"It's our alarm." Scorpio said seriously.

"Alarm for what?" Rogue asked.

"Intruder alarm, someone un-wanted is in the Celestial World." I said, which made everyone gasp and some panic.


SORRY!!! It's almost been a month since I last posted on here, I've just been having a hard time with ideas and I've been busy cause there's fires EVERYWHERE near me. (I've almost had to evacuate twice so far) and al you can see in the sky is smoke. I live I'm Cali if you wanted to know 😂 Fire state Woop!Woop! 🔥

Anyway sorry this is short, I'll try and upload faster.

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