Chapter 1 | The Dream

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Some may know me from a YouTube channel I had, I'm not that popular, actually not at all. But I was happy to see you guys liked my other story I did there. Not gonna lie, I was really proud of it but really...

It sucked

So I'm hoping this story will be better.

Lucy's POV

"Huh? Where am I?" Everything was blurry but really bright. I blinked a few times trying to get my eyes to adjust. I was in a room of some-sort. Everything was white and the room was completely empty.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I said still trying to adjust my eyes to the light. "Hello?" I said again hoping someone would answer. I got up from what I thought was the floor, everything looked the same, just white everywhere.

My eyes had finally started to adjust to the brightness when I sensed something behind me. From instincts I stiffened my body and was prepared to attack when I heard a voice. "Lucy?" My eyes grew bigger, I knew that voice.

"M-mom?" I said trying not to show tears, I turned around slowing and was blinded by a brighter light. As my eyes adjusted to the light I saw a dark figure. The figure walked closer to me and revealed a woman. She looked to be in her late 30's, she had long golden hair that reached just below her waist, she had gorgeous brown eyes and fair skin.

"Hello Lucy" The woman said, she was just a few feet away from me. I was trying not to cry, I knew her.

"Mom?!" I shouted trying my best to not look fragile in front of her. From my surprise she opened her arms, gesturing that she wanted a hug. I couldn't control my body, it was moving on it's own, but I was now in her arms. We stayed like that for about a minute before separating. I looked her straight in the eyes and said the only thing I could think to say.

"How?" I could tell I was on the break of tears. I was seeing my mother, right in front of me, after seeing her die 10 years ago. Who wouldn't cry?

"I'm not really alive, what you see of me right now is just my spirit. I'm still dead but I came here to tell you something important." She took my hands in hers and squeezed them lightly.

"S-so..your not really here? Actually where am I?" I started to look around us, it was still all just white, I couldn't see anything in sight, everything was blank.

"Well darling, we are in a dream world." She looked at me with a small smile.

"A dream world? Does that mean I'm asleep right now?" I looked at her, our hands were still intertwined. I could feel her squeeze them tighter.

"Yes you are, which means I have a limited time to talk to you." She looked me straight in the eye while saying those words. I could feel my heart skip a beat.

"What is it you wanted to talk about? Is it important?" I asked

"Yes it very much is darling." She has stopped squeezing my hands and pulled hers away. I looked at her in confusion, she started to walk away. I followed her, I don't really know why, I was just feeling like I had to.

"Lucy, you do know the family secret right?" She stopped walking and faced me, looking at me dead in the eye.

I could feel my heart skip a beat once more. "Yes" I replied, but she just looked at me in the eyes like she didn't believe me. I gulped before speaking again, who knew my mother could be scary? "We have dragon tamer blood. Dad doesn't but you do, and that traveled down to me."

Her eyes became more relieved and she continued to walk. I took a deep breath of relief when she replied. "Yes, that is true." We kept walking, I don't know where we were going, we were just walking in a blank world. "But that isn't the full story"

I blinked a few times before replying, "I guessed that, when I asked dad about it he just shook his head and tolled me it was best if I didn't know." I was now walking right beside her.

"That's why I'm here right now, you need to know more about this" I stared at her blankly but I just nodded.

"You see, hundreds of years ago there was someone who could befriend any dragon she came by. Her name was Julianna Heartfilia." I stared at her when she mentioned her name. I thought she was a myth! "Most people think of her as a myth, but she was a real woman. And she was indeed a Heartfilia. Her blood has been passed down by many generations, and is now with you Lucy."

I just looked at her. Was this true? It had to be, why else would she be telling me this? "I know it's a lot to take in. But Lucy, you are now a dragon tamer, and the last one with the blood of a dragon tamer." 

"But wait, if her blood was past from you to me, weren't you a dragon tamer?" She just looked at me for a moment before replying. "Yes I was, but then, there was this one dragon that no dragon tamer could ever tame. I tried my best, and so did my mother to tame him, but during  the process my mother died. I retreated from the mission due to that, that's when I found out I was pregnant with you."

"..." I just stared at her, I couldn't find any worlds to say to her, she lost her mother trying to tame a dragon, then found out she was pregnant with me? I could just feel sorry for what she went threw.

"When I was about 8 and a half months pregnant with you, that dragon returned. He found out I was expecting a child and he knew that the child would be a dragon tamer as well and wanted to kill me and you. So dragon tamers would be extinct. When I found out about him wanting to kill me and you, I immediately scheduled a C-Section. I knew if you were still with me you would die. And since it was only a week before your actual due date, so you would be fine." She looked at the ground for a moment before liking back up at me.

I couldn't bring myself to talk. She did all of this to keep me safe? I felt sad and guilty, I put her in so much danger. I guess she could tell how I felt because she hugged me.

"Don't be sad about it lucy. I wanted to protect you." I hugged her back, then remembered about the dragon. "What was the Dragons name?"  That was all I could bring myself to say at the moment. I felt angry. I wanted revenge. They hurt my mother and could have killed me.

She had pulled away from me and continued walking. "The dragons name was Acnologia." She said not facing me.

I felt my heart drop a little. Acnologia!? Of course it was him, he's the most evil dragon there has ever been!

"I'm running out of time but Lucy" she stopped walking and faced me. "He's back" She said while staring at me in the eyes. I could just feel confused with what she said. He's back. "What do you mean?"

"He's back. He found out about the bloodline still being alive, he wants to end it for good." She was still staring at me. I could feel her start to tense up. I hugged her hoping to calm her down. "Does he know it's me?"

"No.. as much as he knows is that you died with me. Lucy you have to stop him. If you don't not only will you die, but he will be able to use tour power to get the other dragon slayers on his side."

I was shocked at what she was saying. Get the other dragons to join him? I know I can't let that happen. "I promise, I won't let him win." She hugged me tighter and whispered, "Until next time darling"

I felt as if I was falling. Everything went blurry, and mom was gone.

End of Chapter 1

Sorry if there's writing mistakes

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