Chapter 4 | Grimmson Village

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Lucy POV

I must of have fallen asleep because the train was stopped at "Grimmson Village Train Station" As I go to get up, I can't. I look down to see what's stopping me and there's natsu. I forgot I let him lay on my lap. I look aver and see a snickering Happy, I scowl at him. I gently shake him, he groans, probably still sick.

"We are here natsu." He slowly sat up and started walking off the train, wobbly. Happy flew around him and off the train, I was behind him with my bag. When we got off the train he was kissing the ground, everyone was staring.

"Natsu get up your causing a scene!" I cover half of my face with my hand as my hair fell in front of the other half. I could tell he knew I was embarrassed because he kept kissing the floor. I looked ya him with disgust as I walked away from him, Happy was still snickering.

"H-hey! Wait up!" I heard natsu yell, I didn't stop. I was blown away from the scenery. The houses looked like they were from a medieval age. Completely wood, but had beautiful detail. There were pine trees surrounding the village and were scattered among it. The paths were a mix of gravel and flat stones. There was a map in front of the station that showed the whole village. In the middle was a lake with two small islands towards the middle of it.

"Hey luce! Why did you leave us?!" I heard natsu say. I turned around and he was just a few inches from my face. "Because you were being stupid." I punch him in the gut, not hard, but enough to push him back. "Hey!!" He scowled at me but grinned right after, I rolled my eyes. I heard happy's stomach growl.

"H-heh..can we eat now?" Happy said impatiently. I nodded in response. Now that I think about it, we haven't eaten anything besides breakfast and that was 3 and a half hours ago.

When we found a place to eat at I ordered a pasta with extra tomato sauce, breadsticks, and a salad. Happy wanted raw fish, which they were weirded out by. Natsu on the other hand... he ordered like half of the menu. Maybe more. Not only that but that was MY money. I believe the restaurant was called "Olive Garden"

After we ate we just walked around town. "So who was the one who sent out the request?" Happy asked flying next to me. "It was the mayor." I reply looking at a map of the village. "He lives in the house on the hill up there." I put down the map and point to the hill in front of us. It has a cottage like house on one of the ledges.

"How are we gonna get up there?" Natsu asked.

"Are you blind? There's literally a trail-"

"We fly!" Happy says cutting me off and grabbing onto me and natsu.

"Hey! Put me down!"

"Lucy your heavyyyy"

"Hey!! If you can't carry me then your just calling yourself weak cat!!"

Yea... he shut up. When we got to the building I walked up and knocked on the door. A tall man with dark red hair and black highlights opened the door. He looked in his early thirty's and was wearing a dress shirt with a tie and some black trousers.

"Excuse me who are you?" He said in a confused tone. "We are from Fairy Tail. We saw your request." I told him and he shot up. "Ah come on in" He motioned for us to come in, I walked in first then natsu with happy on his shoulder. We sat down on his living area.

"I'm glad you guys came. There's been a good bouncy of giant snakes on the outskirts of our town. They have destroyed some of our buildings and our farms. So far about 32 people have been injured by them."

"32 injured?" Happy says.

"Yes. About 4 have been killed." He replies.

"That's horrible! We will take care of them don't worry!" Natsu says slamming his fists together. "I hope you do. They strike around 6 to 8 am." We have located a large hole that we believe to be one of their nests but when we explored it there wasn't anything there."

"Don't worry we will kick their butts!" Happy says confidently. I nod.

"I hope you do. Here take this. Give this to any of our Inn's and you will get a free room for a week. It was good meeting you, when you are completed come and I'll give you your reward." He says as he walks us to the door.

"We will! Have a good rest of your day!" I wave at him before happy grabs me and flys down the hill.

"So now what?" Natsu says putting his hands behind his head.

"Probably find a hotel to stay in." I say back taking out my map. "If we keep going straight then take a left we should be at 'Lyric Hotel' It also has a rating of 4 and a half stars so it should be good." Natsu and happy nod and run down the street. I sigh and follow them.

"Guys we need to go left not right!!" I yell at the two boys running the wrong way. "Whoops!" I hear natsu say as he runs towards me. I sigh and start walking the right direction.

All of the sudden I'm being lifted up and put over someone's should facing behind them. "NATSU!!! Put me down now!" I start hitting his back with my fists and try kicking him. "Nah, we will get there faster" natsu says while running. I see happy flying behind me making stupid faces, I stick my tongue out at him in annoyance.

When we got to the hotel natsu took me off his shoulder so now I'm on the ground. When we walked in there was a large desk area in front of us. When we looked to the left we saw a small bakery with chairs and tables. On the right we saw a bar with more chaos and tables. There was a good amount of people here, drinking, eating, talking. We went up to the counter and a tall woman, probably in her early 20's, came up to us. She had tan skin, raven hair with one red highlight, with dark brown eyes. She was wearing a white gown with a brown corset at the waist, her hair was short, just about to her shoulders.

"Hello my names Annabelle, what can I help you with?" She said kindly.

"We we're given this paper from the Mayor and he said once we find an inn to give it to you." I say as I hand her the paper.

"I see, give me one moment." She says as she walks to the wall behind the counter and grabbed a key. "Here you go! You guys are in room 13 on the 3rd floor! Let me know if you guys need anything else!" She smiles and waves at us before going back to her work.

We make our way up the stairs to the third floor and find room 13. When we enter we there was a small hallway that lead to a good sized room. There was a dresser, nightstand, but only one bed... There was also a door next to the dresser that lead to a small bathroom that had a bathtub, sink, toilet, a and a mirror.

Natsu plops onto the bed followed by happy "Ugh I'm so tired"

"So.. there's only one bed.."

"So? We can share"


"It's not like we haven't shared a bed before" he says turning over to lay on his back, putting his hands behind his neck.

"Ugh fine" I grab my bag and set it down. "I'm gonna go for a walk, I'll be back later" I say walking out of the room. "Ok luce" I hear natsu say before closing the door.

I've probably been walking for about 20 minutes before I came across the lake in the middle of the city. The water was clear and you could see coral towards the bottom. I sat down next to a tree and leaned my head against it.

"Excuse me?"

I open my eyes to see a little girl, she looked about 4 and was wearing a white and pink dress. She had strawberry blonde hair that went just past her shoulders and had a ribbon in it.
"Yes sweetheart?"

"My balloon is stuck in that tree and I can't get it." She said shyly. I look up and see the balloon towards the top of the tree. I stand up and start to climb it, when I got to the top I grabbed the string to The ballon and looked around. You could see a good portion of the village from up here, it was so pretty. I climbed down and handed the little girl the balloon. "Here you go"

"Thank you!" She said running off to the rest of the kids. Cute

I noticed the sun was setting and made my way back to the hotel. When I got there I see natsu and happy asleep on the bed. I grab some clothes and change in the bathroom. I was now wearing some black short shorts, a oversized red shirt that went halfway down my thighs, and my hair was out of the pony tail. I climbed in the bed putting the covers on me and was the furthest away from natsu as possible. Happy was sleeping by the end of the bed towards our feet. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.


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