Chapter 36 | Finally Free

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⚠️ this constrains bad language ⚠️

Third person pov

"You piece of shit!" Natsu yelled, charging at the man. "Fire Dragons Talon!"

"Black swirl" Damon called, blocking his attack.

"Fire Dragon Claw!"


"Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!"

"Water Sphere!"

"Fire Dragons crushing fang!"

This continued for the next ten minutes. Both sending attacks towards each other and blocking attacks. While both the boys were breathing heavily and covered in wounds, the Saber's were still fighting the wolves.

"Dumb shits" Sting hissed at a newly formed cut in his arm. "White Dragons Claw!" He shouted, attacking the red wolf again.

"They just keep coming back don't they?! This is getting annoying." Rouge said, obviously annoyed.

"How do we stop these?! We have hit them constantly but they just won't fall!" Minerva clenched her teeth.

"I'm not sure if this will work, but from their aura I don't think they are real wolves. If they were they would have fallen by now. There must be a certain point on their bodies we need to hit to stop them." Capricorn stated, hitting one of the wolves.

"Okay.. but where?! We've hit almost everywhere!" Sting yelled.

"Not everywhere.." Rouge mumbled.

"What was that Rouge?" Sting asked, avoiding an attack.

"Yes we have hit almost everywhere, so it must be very small or shielded by something. And where on their body's have somewhat a shield?" Rouge asked, knowing the answer but is testing them anyway.

"I don't know! Your the one who said it not me!"

"Stop fighting each other and focus on fighting the wolves idiots!"

"Yes ma'am." Both males mumbled.

"Anyway, I think it could possibly be inside their ears or mouths. Since they both have an extra layer of skin to protect it from our attacks." Rouge stated.

"Okay, then let's try and hit there." Minerva announced.

"White dragon claw!" Sting swung at the large wolf, hitting its ear. The wolf let out a high pitched yelp before it started to evaporate into dust.

"Alright then that proves it, hit their ears!" Minerva yelled before attacking.

As the sabers finished off the wolfs, Natsu and Damon were still fighting, neither of them giving up.

"Fire Dragon Talon!"

"Dark mist!"

"Fire dragon wing attack!"

"Vines: Shield"

"Give up already" Damon said annoyed.

"Now why would I do that?" Natsu smirked, "you messed with my family, why should I just let you go?" Damon sent a glare to the 'salmon' haired boy.

"Natsu!" A voiced called in the distance.

"Took your time, eh?" Natsu yelled playfully.

"Shut up, at least we are here" Sting replied.

And with that, the sabers took their fighting stances as they all started attacking Damon. The celestial beings joining in not long after.

"Shadow Dragon Wing attack!"

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