Chapter 3 | New Mission

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Lucy POV

It was about noon now. Nothing that exciting had happened at the guild today, just a normal day. Levy and gajeel went on a job so they won't be back for a few days. Can't wait to tease her when she gets back. I snicker at the thought. Gray and Natsu are probably still fighting.

I'm heading down to a pond about a mile south of the guild. I always go there to just relax, so far no one at the guild has found me here. When I arrive my breath leaves me. The view is gorgeous, it has a crystal blue water, blooming flowers surrounding it with willow trees. Vines are hanging from the trees, just across the lake from where I'm standing there's a water fall, crystal blue water fading into white as it hits the water. Just behind the water is a cave, it has quite a few different colored crystals, especially blue, pink, white, and purple. There's A few rocks sticking out of the plans and there's lily pads on the water. I swear this place is like from a Fairy Tale. It's just gorgeous.

I make my way around the lake towards the waterfall. All you can hear is the sound of the water fall, birds singing, the wind with the leaves blowing. It scent here is so fresh. It has the scent from the flowers but mixed in with a little mint.

I sit by the waterfall leaning against the rocks. I close my eyes and just breathe. It really is relaxing. I stayed there like that for probably a half an hour. This area is just so calming. I opened my eyes and blinked them a few times, getting used to the sun in my eyes. I look over and I see a small group of deer on the other side of the lake. I see one buck, 2 does, and 1 baby dear, who still has its sports on his back. I just smile at the group, Nature really is gorgeous.

'I should probably go before people start wondering where I'm at'

I stand up and start to stretch, breathing in the air again. I start making my way back to the guild. I'm about 1/3 away from the guild and I see kids playing at a small playground. 2 little boys and one girl. One of the boys had Raven black hair and looked around 7 years old, the other had a dark blue who looked about 5. The girl had cyan hair that was halfway down her back. She looked about 4-5 years old. Their so cute.

When I reach the guild I see a 'Salmon' hair boy run up to me. "Where were you?!" He practically shouted at me, not loud, but enough to startle me a bit. "I was just walking around. Don't worry." I smile at him and he sighs. "Don't leave without letting me know ok?" I looked at him with confusion but agreed.

When night had came I headed back to my apartment. I grab a v-neck, light pink tank top with lace along it. And some small shorts. I change into them and take my hair out of the pony tail.

All of the sudden I feel something touch my hair, I jumped a bit, pretty much start to fall. I was ready to hit something so my eyes were closed but instead I feel something around me. As I open my eyes I see Natsu holding me. One arm around my back and the other just under my thighs. Not totally picking me up but stabilizing me from falling.

"You okay luce?" He looks at me, his onyx eyes staring at me. Their so majestic. Wait what?! Wth am I thinking. "Uh yea I'm fine" He picks my body up and puts me back on my feet, I turn around to look at him and he just gives me his signature grin. I look away and head to the kitchen to make food.

Nothing really happened that night. I made food, we ate, I kicked him and happy a few times, we laughed, I kicked them again, we went to bed. The usual.

Lucy POV
I open my eye lids, blinking them a few times as I sit up, stretch, and yawn. "Huh?" I look around to see my apartment empty. Natsu's not here? I get up out of bed, grab some clothes and head to the bathroom to take a bath.

When I finished I got dressed. I was wearing a short royal blue mini skirt, with a white outline on the bottom. I was also wearing a light plus crop top with a v-neck and white lace around the edges. The sleeves hung off my shoulders. I had straightened my hair but had a 2 braids on the side of my head meeting at the back and became a small ponytail. To tie it I had a light blue ribbon that I tied into a bow. I added some light makeup to my face, put on my knee high boots, and put my belt that had my keys around my waist.

When I exited the bathroom I saw natsu and happy at the table. "Hey luce/lushie!" Natsu and happy called out to me. "Hey guys.. what are you doing?" I walk over to them and look at happy laying on the table. "Waiting for you. Your so slow" happy says groaning. "Shut it Cat!" I snap back at him. I could hear his stomach growl. "Lushie I'm hungry. Got any fish?" He says like he's so desperate. "Yes but your not getting it. We are going to the guild you can get food there, I'm not cooking today." I say as I walk to the door. I could hear them groan.

When we got to the guild the first thing they did was run straight to Mira and beg her for food. I walked up to the bar and took a seat next to natsu. Happy sitting on the counter beside me. "Pleaseeee lushie wouldn't feed ussssss" I hear happy beg. I slap him on the back of the head, not hard of course, but in more of a playful yet a 'shut up please' way. He groans again.

About 2 minutes later Mira brings out a raw fish for happy and a steak with hot sauce for natsu. They stuff their face. "Pigs" I mumble. "Anything you want Lucy?" Mira looks at me, she was wearing a pink dress that went to her knees and a white apron with a pink heart on the chest. "Just a strawberry Milkshake please" I tell her, she writes it in her book before talking again. "Comin' right up" she winks and struts off. Mira is adorable. She returned with the milkshake and went off to get others orders. About 5 minutes after I finish natsu runs over to me.

"Luce! Wanna go on a job?" He had excitement in his eyes. He looked like a five year old who got a special present. "Sure, and it's happy turn to pick" we walk over to the board and happy picks a job. I took the job request from happy and read it. "So what's the job Luce?" Natsu asks. "There's been a few giant snakes causing trouble around 'Grimmson Village' Which is about 5 hours away from here if we go by foot." I say looking at the request. "What the reward?" Natsu asked. Again. "The reward is 500,000 Jewels." I reply "Really? That much just for some snakes? Hell yea let's go! This is gonna be easy!" Natsu said putting his hand behind his neck and walks out of the guild. I sigh and walk to Mira.

"Hey Mira! Me, Natsu, and happy are gonna take this job" I say handing her the paper. "Alright, have fun and be safe!" She says checking something off. "We will!" I walk out of the guild and back to my apartment to grab some stuff.

About an hour later I have my bag ready and Natsu and happy are ready. We leave the apartment and head to the train station. "Do we have to take a train?!?" Natsu complains. "Yes! Otherwise we will be walking 5-6 hours!!!" I talk loudly to try and get it into his thick skull. "Ughhhhh" he groans again. I swear he's been complying all the way to the station. When we got on the train I sat down across from natsu. And guess what? HES ALREADY FLIPPING SICK AND THE TRAIN AIN'T EVEN MOVING!!

Once the train started moving natsu was spread across the seat looking like he's gonna literally die. He was starting to turn green. I sigh and move to Natsu's seat and lay his head on my lap. "This might help, just try and fall asleep" I say, I could tell I was blushing slightly. I could feel him move his head more in my legs. Okay now I'm blushing even more. I sigh again. This is gonna be a long ride.


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