Chapter 22 | Mages? Or something else?

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Lucy POV.
         "I'm not riding that death trap!!" Natsu says holding onto the ground for dear life.

          "Natsu I have the pills..." I say sitting on my knees next to him. His face calms a bit and looks at me. His eyes show pure

        "You do?" He asks and I nod. He smiles and jumps up, grabbing my arm and pulling me up in the process.

"Lets goooooo!! Magnolia here we come!" He pumped his fist into the air and boarded the train, I followed behind. Everyone else was already on it so me and natsu were last. And he didn't get the pill before he went on. I sighed and sat down. Grabbing a small bag from my backpack I took out a pill and have it to him, which he gladly took.

We arrived back in magnolia around 12:30 pm, everyone headed to the guild but I went home before heading there. I arrived at the guild and went up to Masters office, just to see the group already there explaining what we had found out.

"I see, so it's true. He's after power." Master put his hand on his chin in a thinking motion before speaking again. "Continue what we have been doing, if anything else comes up, come talk to me. I need to talk to Lucy real quick." Master said and everyone nodded before leaving me alone with Master. I quickly set a rune to block out anyone from hearing our conversation. If your wondering where I learned that, Star taught me.


"Lucy, my child. I feel like we can't keep this a secret forever, if they are going to help you they need to know." Master sighed before he thought again. "If we run into a fight with him anytime soon, you need to tell them." I nodded.

"I will, I just wanna get stronger with it before I do, I don't wanna lose control." Master nodded at me, signaling me to leave. I opened the door but to see the group there, but they fell as soon as I opened the door. I sighed. That's why I set the rune. I rolled my eyes and walked to Mira.


"Hey Natsu? You seem a little tense, are you okay?" I turn to natsu, we were walking to my partner after leaving the guild. Natsu hasn't let me in the apartment by myself due to the situation, which I'm grateful for.

"No, yes, maybe?" He said somewhat unsure. I raise my eyebrow at the pinkette beside me, but he swears it's 'salmon'. I heard him sigh before talking again. "The guild has picked up some unusual magic activity around the town, more into the forest." I stared wide eyed. Did natsu just say 'magic activity'? Where'd he learn what that meant?

"Unusual activity? Magic activity? Could it be him?" We were now in front of the apartment, I held up a finger telling him to wait to answer until we got inside. I started walking to the door, but I was stopped by a hand grabbing my arm and picking me up. "Natsu what are you" I get cut off as he jumps up to my window and quickly climbs threw it. He set me down and I glared at him. "There's a door for a reason" he just grinned.

"And to answer your question, yes. It could be that b"

"Natsu no swearing!" I cut him off, he rolls his eyes before continuing.

"We already had a meeting with gramps." What? When?!? Without me? IM THE ONE THEIR AFTER! "And we are sending a search party out there tomorrow to check it out." He hops onto my bed and lays down.

"Search party? Who's going?" I sit beside him. I honestly don't care that he's on my bed right now, but he better get off soon. Well, that's if he knows what's best for him..

"Erza's leading the party, then there's Freed, Elfman, Macao, Warren, gajeel, lily, Bixlow, Jet, Droy, and Levy." He pauses, "the rest will stay at the guild, and the rest of team Natsu will be staying with you, just Incase." He sits up. I nod before speaking, but of course I was cut off. "I'm hungry"

I stared wide eyed at the boy before giving him an annoyed face. "Lushie~" a blue cat yells, flying threw my window. "I'm hungry! Got any fish?" He jumps onto my couch. I sigh and get up.

"I'll go make some food then"


It's the next day and we are heading to the guild, and by 'we' I mean Happy, Natsu and I. Happy s has literally hearts in his eyes and keeps mumbling 'Carla' and natsu pouting still because of a hard Lucy Kick I gave him. He wouldn't have gotten one if he would stay out of my bed, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon. I roll my eyes before natsu kicks the guild doors open.

"WERE HERE B" I cut him off.

"NO SWEARING" I smack his head.

"Ow, Luce whyyyyy"

"There are innocent ears here." He rolls his eyes and go's to start a fight with the boys. I heard a familiar giggle.

"Haha you took care of him all right!" Cana grins and hits me on the back while holding a large cup of beer. I laugh at he and she walks to Mira for more.

"Hello Gorgeous." Someone said and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Hello Leo, I didn't summon you." I turn around and smile at him.

"I summoned myself, I just wanted to inform Master and the guild on something." I gave him a confused look and he just grabs my hand and leads me to Masters office. With ought knocking he opened the door.

"Hello Leo, Lucy, what do you need." He looked questionably at us.

"How did the search go?" Leo or Loke asked, sounding more serious. I stood behind Leo a bit further back.

"The group came back about an hour ago, they found a few signs of people being there but the magic presence was gone." He folded his hands.

"I see, well I wanted to inform you that there's a group of 8 mages it looks like, heading this way. They were all wearing cloaks so I couldn't get a good picture on what they looked like." A group of mages? Heading to magnolia?

"Could you tell their magic power?" Master questioned, he was now standing up.

"I could tell they had power, but I couldn't tell exactly what magic nor how strong they were. It felt like they didn't have any magic but you could tell they did. It's confusing." Leo finished. Did but didn't have magic? Like with what happened on that mission?

"Thank you for informing me Leo." Leo just nodded before disappearing. I nodded and took my leave but Master followed behind, probably to inform the guild.

"Listen up brats! There's a group of so called mages heading this way!"

"What do you mean 'so called'?" Someone random shouted.

"Leo didn't sense any magic power form them but he could tell they did have magic. Be cautious, we don't know what they are capable of." He finished and walked back to his office. It was only about fifteen minutes before the door slammed open.

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