Part 25 : Visions

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I felt bad with the short chapter from before so I wrote this one up real quick, sorry if theres any misspelling!


Lucy POV

I let out a sigh as I exit my thoughts due to a loud snore from the 'Dragon' next to me. I turn to my desk and see that my alarm clock says '7:36', I smirk as I slide out of his grip and go to the kitchen. I grabbed a pan and a metal spatula and a pan as I walk back to my bedroom, I start to bang the two utensils together as hard as possible because I know he has really good hearing. He jumped out of the bed and onto the floor, bringing the blanket and happy with him.

"Hey what was that for?" Happy asked yawning.

"Yea Luce, why would you do that?!" Natsu said rubbing both his ears. I laughed as I walked to the kitchen to start breakfast.

"At least it wasn't a Lucy Kick" Natsu grumbled.

"Aye" Happy agreed, I laughed at the two.

"That could be arranged" I said simply, grabbing the pancake mix. The two males sweat dropped which caused me to laugh again.


We finished eating breakfast and set the dirty dishes in the sink before heading to the guild, when we arrived the three of us sat at one of the tables. Gray and Gajeel hadn't arrived yet so Natsu wasn't fighting with anyone at the moment. Right, Zeref! I remembered.

"Hey Natsu? Ill be right back." I got up from my seat.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I need to ask Master something.." I answered. His head shot up.

"Ill go with you!" He said about to get up as a sweat dropped.

"No no, I think ill be fine, ill be right back." I reassured him, he still looked unsure but I just started heading for his office.

"Oh Lucy! If your looking for Master he's on the roof right now!" Mira said while taking an order. I nodded and waved at her.

"Thanks Mira!" I said walking up the stairs, next to Masters office was another door which inside was a staircase that lead to the roof. As I got to the top of the stairs and opened the door that revealed the roof I saw master sitting on a lawn chair. "Master?"

"Hello Child, what do you need." He looked at me. I was about to speak before I remembered something. "...they can always be watching your every move..."

"Um can we speak somewhere, more private?" I said motioning to all the open area. He nodded and a barrio came up, I looked at him confused as to the barrier. He chuckled.

"I had Freed install it awhile ago." I just nodded as I took a seat in another lawn chair near him. "Now, whats wrong child?"

"I had a dream."

"That's pleasant." He said and I chuckled.

"well it was more like a vision." He raised a brow at me, "It was like a meeting with someone."

"With who?" He questioned.

"Zeref" I looked at him and crossed my fingers, his eyes widened slightly.

"what did he say?" He asked in a more serious tone than before, his body was also tenser.

"He was warning me," He again raised a brow at me, "He was warning me about Damon."

"What about him?"

"Hes planning to make a new world, but in the process, it will wipe out all living things on Earth." I paused, "Hes made a machine filled with magic essence that will be enough to create the new world, well not quite."

"What do you mean?" He looked at me as I took a deep breath.

"He needs me, hes going to drain my magic and add it to his machine, then and only then would he be able to use the machine. He needs a strong enough power, and my power fits the role." Master sighed.

"Did he say anything else Lucy?" Master stood up.

"They will attack again, in three days time."

"Well we better warn the guild of this attack" He began to walk away.

"Master." I sad standing up, He stopped and looked at me, "Their always listening.." I said looking towards the forest. He paused for a minute before nodding and heading downstairs.

Their always listening.

Zerefs voice rang in my head as everything went white. An image popped up of a group of ten in cloaks standing in a circle. But the image had disappeared just as fast as it came. I soon regained consciousness, as I looked around I noticed I was in the guild infirmary. I noticed a figure standing at the desk in the room, they turned around and I saw that it was Freed.

"I see your awake Lucy." He said taking a seat in the chair.

"what happened." I tried to move but my head began pounding, which caused my hand to grab my head.

"Easy there, after Master made an announcement he went up to the roof, where he rushed back down to get help as he found you on the floor unconscious, I was the first to respond as I was the closest person at the time and now your here." I nodded at him, "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"I-I think I had a vision.." I said, still holding my head as I tried to sit up, Freed had gotten up from his seat and helped me up so I wasn't laying down.

"What was in the vison?" He asked, he hand one hand on his hip and the other laying loosely at his side.

"I saw eight people, dressed in cloaks, standing in a circle.. after that everything went black again." He nodded at my words.

"I must inform Master." He said as he began getting up and headed to the door.

"Wait." he looked back at me, "where is Natsu?" I questioned, usually Natsu's with me in these situations.

"Master asked for Team Natsu, Mira and Levy go to his office for a meeting on what to do next." He answered and I nodded. He took his leave and about a minute after Lissana entered my room, he probably asked her to stay with me because of my condition.


Freeds POV (OooOOoo new POV)

I exited Lucys room and made my way to Masters office, I knocked before I opened the door and waited for a response.

"whos there?" I heard Master ask.

"Freed, I have info on Lucys condition."

"You may enter." Without another word said I entered his office, I saw Erza, Gray, and Wendy standing in a line on my left looking at me, and Natsu, Mira, and Levy were also on my right in a line looking at me. Happy was on Natsu's shoulder and Carla was in Wendy's arms. I walked towards Masters desk which he was standing on, I stopped when I was about three feet in front of him. "well what happened?"

"She had some sort of vision." The room remained silent. "She saw a group of eight people dressed in cloaks making a circle, I would think it could be some sort of ritual."

"I see, is she doing alright?" Master questioned.

"She awoken a few minutes ago, when she tried to sit up her head began pounding which caused her some pain, which is to be expected." I paused for a moment, "That's all I had to inform you on, continue with your meeting." Master nodded as I began to leave the room, all eyes on me of course.

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