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"He's gone. You can come out now." Jasmin said after i heard the door close.

I crawled out from underneath my bed and dusted off my clothes.

"Thanks for covering for me."

"Not a problem." She said with a proud smile.

"I'm sorry but i have to leave. It was nice to see you again." I said a bit stressed.

"You're leaving already?" She asked in a sad voice.

I nodded. "I truly wish that i could stay longer but i don't want to make your mom angry. But don't worry I'll be back before you know it."

She waved goodbye and i left her room only to be greeted by Luke standing right outside her room.

"Ah you're done with laying on the ground?" Luke asked with a grin.

"How did you?" I said genuinely confused.

He grinned. "I'm not that easy to avoid. Please follow me to my office."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine, if you insist."

I followed him to his office and sat down on the chair infront of his desk.

He closed the door behind me and sat down behind his desk. "Olivia i want you to know that I'm on your side and that i want what's best for you."

He paused for a moment.

I was tapping my foot. He was making me nervous. Why couldn't he just leave me alone? Like i knew that i was the one that led him in my house and told him to much but still he needed to leave my alone.

"From what I've seen and heard from you i have my reasons to believe that your dad is not taking proper care of you. Now i don't want those things to be true but you're making it very hard too believe otherwise by not letting my talk to your dad. If this continues I'll have to contact social services." He said with a serious face.

I was shocked that he said that. He really seemed like a nice and soft person who i could trust.

"Alright then, I'll make sure that my dad calls you tomorrow. What time will you be available?" I said trying to remain as calm as possible. Inside i was absolutely freaking out but he couldn't know that.

He smiled at me when i said that. "That's good to hear. I'll write down when I'll most likely be available."

He handed me the note.

I put it in my pocket and stood up to leave. But Luke beat me to it and blocked the door with his hand.

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way, i just want what's best for you but also for your dad. I'm scared that something bad will happen otherwise." He said in a soft voice to me.

I ignored him. I just wanted to leave.

He stepped away from the door, allowing me to leave the room.

"Alright, you have my number so don't be afraid to text me if something happens." He quickly said to me as i walked passed him.

I smiled and nodded at him. There was no way that i was doing that again. I have been able to take care of myself before i knew him so i was perfectly fine without him.

I rushed home and ran upstairs. I needed to have to plan for the phone call.

I knocked on my dad's door. I needed his help for this.

I entered his room and opened his curtains so that he was forced to wake up.

He groaned and pulled his sheets over his face.

"Wake up. I need to talk to you." I said firmly to him.

He mumbled an okay before he sat up and looked at me.

"Olivia your face." He said concerned.

I had totally forgotten about the black eye that i still had.

"That's not important right now. I have something important that i have to tell you."

He yawned. "What?" He asked impatient.

I said down on the end of his bed and took a deep breath in.

"You remember that doctor that came to our house once right? He's Jasmin doctor."

He nodded. "Yeah, i remember him."

"Well he wants to talk to you about some stuff."

"What do you mean?" He aksed confused.

"He thinks that you're neglecting me and threatend to call social services if you don't call him tomorrow. So i said that you'll call him tomorrow and tell that everything is perfect."

"But is isn't perfect." My dad said in a sad voice.

"Thats why we need a plan to make sure that Luke still thinks that everything is perfect."

He remained quiet as pached back and forth in his room. Not that there was a lot of space to do so but i still tried.

After a few mintues it hit me.

"I've got!" I said with excitement.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at me with a confused look.

"I'm going to write you a script so when you call all you need to it read it. You'll out the call on speaker and I'll add things to the script if needed."

"I don't know about this Olivia."

My smile faded as he said that. "What do you mean? Don't you like that idea?"

He sighed and looked up at me.

"I mean don't you think that we need help? I can't even find the energy to get out of bed let alone take care of you." He said in a sad tone.

I shook my head and sat down next to him. "We can get help  ourselves if we need to. If you tell Luke now that you can't take care of me I'll be taken away from you and who knows when I'll be back then."

"I'll need to think about."

I nodded. "I understand, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

He smiled. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I said back to him before leaving his room.

I went back to my room and sat down behind my desk. I was going to write the script. My dad may not have said yes tonight but i know that I'll be able to convince him to say yes tomorrow.

My pen hovered above the paper, i had no idea where to even start. How do write a script for a conversation that you have zero control over?

After i thought for a while i decided to also write Luke in the script. It felt as if i was writing something for a movie scene but it did help to make it seem as natural as possible.

My eyes where starting to get heavy but i didn't allow myself to go to bed. I needed to finish this first.

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