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Y/n'a Pov

I feel a sprits if water on my face and my eyes slowly open. I can't see anything clearly yet as it's still very blurry and I notice that my hands are tied to the chair I'm sitting in. What in the fuck? I notice the two people standing in front of me and my guard goes up instantly as I notice it's Yoona and Jennie.

"Well well well, look who's finally woken up." Jennie says to me and I snicker. I look at the water gun in her hand and my brows scrunch a little bit.

"I wish I was still knocked out so I wouldn't have to hear your screeching ass voice." I say and Jennie stares at me harshly. I look and see that my other boys were also tied up and were slowly waking up.

"Let me tell you something about Taehyung and Jimin, Y/n." Yoona starts and Jennie smiles. My attention goes from my boys and back to them.

"I don't need to hear anything from you, whatever you have to say, I'd want to hear it from them." I say to her and Jennie chuckle.

"Are you sure? Because we have all of the evidence already." They put the usb into the lap top and I watch as Yoona, Jennie, Jimin, and Taehyung pop up on the screen.

"Y/n, I can explain." Taehyung tried to talk but I hold my hand up, telling him to shut the fuck up.

On the screen, the four of them are sitting together and laughing while drinking. They have a board with pins on them with all of my members and I on it.
9:00 am - work starts
2:30 pm- work ends
2:45- Sunrise Cafe
9:00 - Club

"First, we need you to get her on you guys. Jimin, you are going to get hired over there and start your mission." Jennie says on the screen and my jaw clenches. I look over at Jimin and he holds his head low.

"Tae, you need to make her fall in love with you." Yoona says on the screen and my eyes water.

"Pftt the easiest missions you've ever given me. Who wouldn't fall in love with someone like me?" Taehyung says and I feel my heart sink.

"He couldn't even remember your name." Yoona says right next to me and I stare at Taehyung. This little shit. I remember the multiple times when he would stutter and couldn't remember my name at the cafe.

"What's her name again? I can only remember important things." He says on the screen and the tears build up in my eyes. You told me that I was the most important thing to you..

"What's your password?" Jimin says in a high pitched voice, mimicking me.

"It's your phone number." Taehyung whispers sensually back into Jimin's ear and they both start laughing. That time when he saved me... and we were in the car...

Flash back

"Oh, can you change the song for me?" He asks me and I smile.

"Yeah sure.." I click his home button and I notice that there's a passcode. "Uhh what's your passcode?"

"Oh, it's your phone number." He says and I feel a slight tingle in my chest and I smile while putting my phone number in. I watch as the screen opens and I switch the song.

Flash back ends

No words can describe the way my chest tingled with joy when he told me that. I felt so happy to the point that I thought it was because he thought about me... that I meant so much to him that he would even put my smallest detail as his pass code. Small but it meant so much to me.. and to have it be planned out this entire time.. my heart is shattering.

"She goes to work at 9:00 everyday but usually is late so Jimin be ready with a Caramel macchiato everyday. Win her trust." Yoona says on the screen and I feel my nails dig into my palms. Every single day since Jimin started working with me until he moved into the house, he would wait next to my office with a caramel macchiato. Again, the smallest things..

"She also lives with 5 other men from our highschool. Become friends with them at work and then it'll be easier to fit in with them." Yoona says and Jungkook snickers.

"I'm giving her a chance to turn me down, this is my calculated move." I hear Jimin say and I look at him. Really? I see from the corner of my eyes that the other boys are already untying themselves, so I start to too.

"The next time you'll run into her is at the club." Jennie says with a wicked smile on her face.

"That's perfect, she's most vulnerable when she's drunk. It makes things easier for us." Yoona says and I feel my temper rising. Of course Yoona would fucking know that. I see that the other boys have already untied themselves just like me.

"Tae, we have the cameras set up." Jennie says on the night of the recording.

"Alright whatever." Taehyung says while sitting and playing on his phone.

"Yah! Do you even know what you need to do?" Jennie says and he stands up. He walks towards her until her back reaches the wall and he pins her there. The exact same things he did to me. I see the look in Jennie's eyes as he was close to her... She's in love with him.

"Is this good enough for you? And then the next day, we're gonna send it to her. I meet her, I work there, move into the house with Jimin, and end it." Taehyung says nonchalantly and Jennie smiles at him. So their plan was to simply break me. That doesn't hurt me even more knowing that I literally poured all of my love and energy into them. That I literally gave them the world just to shatter me, yup just doesn't hurt one damn bit I think to myself and I bite my lower lip. Don't cry.

"You know it." She says and they both smile and then look into the camera.

"See? You were too gullible, too blinded to even see that your own people were your own enemies." Yoona says and I look at her. My breath stops and I now saw the bigger picture. This was all because of Yoona.

"This was because of you. You wanted power that much? Well then have it." Yoongi says and she starts laughing.

"So ask your boys how they feel. They must be really happy to have done their mission in less than a year. You must also feel like fucking trash like you deserve-"I stand up, take my pistol out of my strap, turn the safety off, and shoot her without even looking, as I'm staring right into Taehyung's eyes. I hear another gun shot go off and I look over to see that Jungkook has his pistol aiming behind me. I hear a body fall limp to the ground. I put my eyes back to Taehyung's.

"Take them to the canal." I say while holding my eye contact with Taehyung. I know I didn't miss because she shut up immediately. I release my eye contact with him and watch as Jin and Hoseok take their bodies. We have a canal behind our building for situations like these. I go right back to looking at Taehyung and I see the look in his eyes.

"Are you satisfied?" I ask him and he breaks the eye contact with me. I snap my fingers and Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook all take out their pistols from their strap. They all stand up around Taehyung and point their pistols at him. I hear Jimin shuffle in his seat, about to get up. I put my hand up and he immediately stops. "I don't think you got my question." I say with a small chuckle of disappointment and he looks at Jimin. "I SAID ARE YOU FUCKING SATISFIED?!" I yell and the tears finally fall from my face.

"I'm sorry.." He says and I chuckle again while shaking my head. I face Jimin and he looks down.

"What do you have to say?" I look at him and he starts crying. My eyes widen for a second and he covers his face with his hands.

"You actually showed me what it's like to be happy.. I tried my hardest to stop this.. I never wanted to hurt the family Y/n please. You guys mean the world to me... please.." He says while rubbing his hands in his lap and he looks at each of us with tears falling down his face. My heart breaks a little bit and I sigh.

"Please go to your room." I say and he nods. He walks past Taehyung and they make eye contact.

"Now, the trial starts. Taehyung, you have ten minutes to explain yourself or lose your life."

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