"Alright Cowboy, but you gotta come to me. I'm not the one who's making a house call." Hearing the gut busting laugh has me grinning again.

"A house call? If I'm making a house call then I guess I should bring some food huh?" I chuckle nodding my head.

"I wouldn't object to food, I'll be too distracted with other things to be in the mood for cooking." I watch Scotty continue to argue with Apache, making me sigh. I pull the microphone away from my mouth. "Scotty! Give two tugs to the reins and make him stand, he's kicking your ass and you haven't even gotten in the saddle." I shake my head at him, seeing as he looks back before giving a nod and doing as I say.

"I like the sound of that. What are you craving, little lady?" I nod seeing Scotty follow my instructions and get Apache to stand.

"Good, now give him a pat, tell him he's a good boy." Turning my attention back to Digger I debate for a moment. "What sounds good to you? I'm not fussy for food."

"How about Burgers?" That sounds like a real good plan.

"Now that sounds like a good dinner." He chuckles at me.

"Does that mean I get a pat?" Busting out laughing I throw my head back. Shaking my head, I'm smiling so much my damn cheeks are starting to hurt.

"You gotta earn it, I'll have to answer that question later." My father laughs, shaking his head as he starts heading towards the house.

"I don't want to know." He says, before I can no longer hear his laughter. I chuckle with a grin on my face.

"I'm sure I'll earn it. Can I head that way now? Or should I wait to be your dirty little secret?" I snort, once again shaking my head.

"Cowboy, there ain't a damn thing about you that's little." I hear his boisterous laughter come through the line, that's a sound I'm slowly becoming addicted to.

"Don't go stroking my ego, I want you stroking something else later." The cocky bastard, the grin stays plastard to my face.

"That might be the only petting you're gonna be getting." He chuckles.

"We'll see about that little lady. I'll let you get back to busting some balls, you'll see me pulling in soon."

"Alright, I'll see you later Cowboy." I chuckle while hanging up the phone, that man draws my attention like no other. He's the fire and I'm the damn moth. And I'm too dumb to take precautions, I'm all in at this point. All I'm looking for is a fun ride, if more comes out of it, well hell who am I to turn it down? Watching as Scotty moves to put his foot in the stirrup once more I watch as Apache moves off. And I shake my head, Apache is a horse who needs to be told to listen. You can't let that slip from you, if he doesn't have your respect things could get nasty and real quick.

"Scotty, get his attention. Make him listen to ya, right now all that he's doing is telling you to piss up a rope. Tug on the reins, make him back up. Start from the beginning." Scotty turns around and gives me a frustrated look, nodding jerkily. Sitting on Harley I feel as he rests his back leg, shifting a little bit. Scotty tugs on the reins confusing Apache and just making the pair get angrier at one another. Scotty finally turns with an angry glower on his face.

"I don't fuckin get it! He's being an angry bitter asshole." I look at him before heaving a sigh, throwing my leg over the saddle I get off of Harley, tossing the reins over the fence, I give to firm tugs.

"Stand." Giving the strong command I jumped the fence. "First off, you need to calm the fuck down and take a damn breath. You ain't gonna get anywhere but six foot under if you keep pissing him off." Scotty takes a deep breath shoving his hand through his hair.

"Alright fine. Why won't he listen to me?" Walking up to him, I stand staring at him.

"What do you want him to do?"

"I want him to back up." I nod and look at Apache and see his bored looking face. I grab Scotty's arm and pull on it, staring at him. The look he gives me makes me want to laugh, he stands there, not doing anything so I do it again. Giving me a strange look I do it once more, finally pissing him off enough to yank his arm away from me.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Didn't you understand what I wanted from you?" He shakes his head lost with me. And I nod, he understands. "How the hell is Apache gonna know what you want unless you speak, and tell him. Yanking on his head only pisses him off, it didn't feel good to have me jerking on your arm did it?" Scotty grumbles before nodding.

"I get it now." I nod at him waving an arm and stepping back. Letting him get on with it. Stepping back I watch as Scotty gets Apache to back up, and I make sure to make him praise the horse. I'll admit once Apache is trained, and gets along with Scotty the two will be a dream team. It doesn't take long before Scotty becomes cocky once more and jumps into the saddle. I watch amused as the man gets on, only to be thrown into the dirt a few moments later. I have to watch as he climbs back into the saddle getting thrown again.

"Boy, you need to learn your seat! All your doing right now is giving him what he wants. He likes throwing your ass in the dirt. He's laughing at your dumb ass." I shake my head rubbing my face, I can't believe I'm watching this. I grab the reins seeing Scotty still laying in the dirt. "Get up, I'm teaching you something right now." Heading out of the arena I walk Apache into the round pen and get him going in circles. I make sure he's watching and listening to me before I turn my attention to Scotty once more.

"Do you see how he's listening to me?" At his nod, I walk back into the arena making him follow me. "Apache needs to respect you, right now all that he's doing is laughing at you. When he starts bucking you have to put an end to it, right then and right there." With that, I go to step into the stirrup, and see him step away from me. Giving the reins a firm tug I tell him to stand before stepping into the stirrup once more. Swinging myself into the saddle. Apache is one of those horses who is kind enough to let you get your ass in the seat and feet secured.

After that, he's a bronco, bucking up a storm. Gripping with my legs I let my body rock with his before turning his head to my knee making Apache start to walk in tight circles. Keeping his nose to my knee I look over at Scotty seeing him sitting on the fence by Harley. "When he starts kicking up, pull his nose to your knee, don't stop until he's stopped. Take control and be the boss." Praising the horse I let him relax his head and he kicked up again. Changing knees I make him listen and stop bucking.

I release his nose and he stands panting, obviously having worn himself down. Nudging him I softly tell him to walk on, and he trudges on walking. After getting Apache to walk, I stop him and rain praises down on him. Dismounting to scratch behind his ear, watching as his head stretches out in pleasure. I chuckle at him. "I don't get how you stay on." Scotty shakes his head as I hand him the reins.

"Because I grip with my legs and move with the horse. My ass is glued to that saddle, the more you work on your riding, your seat, the easier it'll be to ride a horse throwing a bitch fit." I shrug at that, I learned my seat very early on. Of course my father taught me the old fashioned way but it got me to listen and actually ride like I mean it. 

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