an Apple a Day keeps Positivity Away

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We need a book where all the people who ate Nightmare's apple (Nightmare, Shattered Dream Corrupted Cross, Vantablack, etc) to form a group and just be the coolest bitches ever!

They become the new bad guys and trash the AUs, that would be sick! I would read that if someone made it.

Imagine the fight scenes, and maybe even some side Sans' that don't appear alot could!  And they could be the new heros!

Like birdtale and chesstale and undersail and Abyss! I dint know how they would do it, but it could be interesting to see.

You can change the names, character, story, anything. I'm just here to help and inspire!

I was just thinking, there's so many sans' that ate the negative apple, they should all form a group and be the ultimate negativity people!

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