Happy Ending, No Beginning

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Everyone knows the two groups. The stars sanses and the bad sanses.

They fight against eachother, and the endings are always different.

Some, Ink is evil, others the bad sanses are misunderstood and become the heros. Maybe Dream becomes shattered, and Nightmare becomes passive. Some betrayal some love, all but one.

What if I told you there was a time line, where neither Dream or Nightmare ate an apple, made peace and lived happily as Brothers.

What if I told you there was an AU where the creator of Ink didn't lose inspiration and finishes his AU and he lived happily ever after.

What if I told you there was a Multiverse where Geno did have a happy ending and he didn't have to mess around with his Determination and become Error.

What would happen? What would change? What would stay the same?

Ink would never know about the AUS because he's living a happy life in his own world.

Blue would never meet alternate versions of himself because the star sanses never met.

Killer and Dust could possibly reset and turn back to normal sanses or suffer in their lonely AU because Nightmare never turned corrupted and found them.

The x-event would never have begun because Ink never went to go meet x gaster and talk to him.

Horror would forever be stuck in horrortale, and live how he was meant to live.

What if all their sad endings, became happy ones, and there was no Beginning of the two groups.

Would there be a balance? Would their be problems? Would there be new people in replace of them? Who would they be? What would they do?

What would happen if all the sanses that know of the existence of AUs, never met and didn't know of AUs. Would they find out later? Would they care?

What would happen?

What would happen if they all got their happy endings that they wanted, and the Multiverse was left unknown.

You can change the names, character, story, anything. I'm just here to help and inspire!

This idea just popped into my head. What if the two groups neve grit formed, and everyone just lived happily ever after? This story might not have angst depending on what you decide to do with it, but sometimes that's ok. Sometimes you just want a break from all the drama and just read a nice calm book where eveyone living happily and peacefully. And no one has to suffer and die.

It just seemed really new and I haven't seen anything like it. It sounds interesting, but also hard to write about. Because the sanses are usually the main characters. Now what would they do? Would they focus on someone else? That's up for you to decide.

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