Toxic Killermare-Attempt At Canon Killermare

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Short version:

Killer: *To Nightmare* You're gonna manipulate me? Too bad bitch! I'm insane! No one controls me! Even I can't control me! Ha! Get fucked Fucker!!

More detail:

Nightmare tries to manipulate Killer and play with his emotions and what not, but surprise! Killer's insane and can't feel emotions! Nightmare thinks he's manipulated Killer, but Killer just follows along because he's bored and got nothing else better to do. One day, Nightmare tries to do the whole manipulated mess with emotions thing, but then Killer's like- "Yea- I know what you're doing, that doesn't work on me." And then Nightmare's like, "What? But- what about all the past years of you following me?" And then Killers just like "*shrug* Eh. idk lol. Uh.... imma dip. I might do the thing you were trying to make me do later." And then just fucking leaves. And Nightmare's so shocked and in disbelief and doesn't know what to do with this new found information. 

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