Same Blood, Different Story (snippet of a story)

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So, for these story ideas, sometimes I write a little snippet of story, like the beginning or the middle part of the story because I have a good idea and where to take the story and I don't want to lose my thought.

But in the end, I inevitably can't think anything else to go with it. So I dump them here.

This is one of those little snippets of my story idea Same Blood, Different Story. The main idea was on chapter 2 I believe.

So here ya go!


Chapter title: After 14 years

Chapter text:  Error was all alone again. His brother Geno wasn't there by his side anymore. He felt, different. Like a part of him was missing. As if ever since Geno left, a part of him left with him as well. He just couldn't describe the feeling.

   So he packed up his bags, and left home as well. He couldn't deal with this missing part of himself. He just had to get away from the pain.
  So now he was living on the streets. Alone. In the cold empty allyways hidden in the shadows.

   14 years go by, and Error now knows the streets by heart. He knows how to steal food without getting caught. He learned how to live.

   It was a normal day like every other, when suddenly Error heard sirens blaring coming towards him. He shot straight up and tried to run from the sounds of the sirens. Error was an extremely good runner, so he could run from the sounds with ease. But a problem arose when he was meet with a solid concrete wall.

   "Damn it." He muttered under his breath. Because of the sudden rush of stress and alertness, it had caused him to lose focus on where he was going. He heard the sirens close in on him. He turned around, and he couldn't believe what he turned around to see.

   "This is the police. Put you're hands up! We have you surrounded!" Error didn't put his hands up but looked directly at the cop holding a gun to him. He couldn't believe his eye sockets.

Geno's pov

   I've always wanted to be a cop. So when I was 21 I moved out to fulfill my dream of being one. I loved how they fought for the good, they got to do cool stunts and fighting! It just amazes me! Now, to be one of those people, it was like a dream come true.

   Now I have been a cop for 14 years. I've learned so many new fighting techniques, trained my body so now I am mentally and physically faster, stronger, and determined, and of course, through all those 14 years, I've made some new friends as well. Everyone is so friendly! It would be impossible not to make friends.
The first person I befriended was Blue. He was the first to introduce himself to me and help me find my way around the giant police station. He's so energetic and happy all the time, you can't help it not to smile when you're with him.
   The second person I befriended was Dream. He is the most positive and innocent person I have ever met. He always looks on the bright side, and wants to help the prisoners here.
   Another was Ink. The chief police officer. He's always friendly to everyone, always creative and is never running out of new ideas. He's incredible really. He's also a very talented artists, as his name suggests.
   Those weren't all the friends I made. I have more, but they are just my favorite. They help cheer me up whenever I'm down.

    But, enough talking about them. Let me tell you about this certain day that will change my life forever.

   It was a normal day, hanging with my buddies, when all of a sudden me and some other people got called by chief Ink that a robbery had been done in town. Like any other police officer, I got on my gear and headed out to the town to stop the robbers.

   I had been driving around trying to spot anyone or any store looking suspicious. When I suddenly hear on the radio the robbers had been scattered and they were running around they city alone. I was also informed that it had been the criminal gang that had been wanted for years. I sighed. Of course we weren't going to catch these criminals. The police force had tried many times and all those attempts had failed.

   Just as I was going to tell them that on my radio, I saw a blur of someone run past me. My eyes widend and my hands turned the wheel to follow the runner. Some other cops noticed me chasing this guy fast, so some followed. I smirked. Maybe this time, we'll get one of their team members.

  He kept running and running and running until it felt like forever, but he ran into an allyway blocked by a wall. All the police used their cars to block any escape routes. We talked on the radio who would go out to face the criminal. I instantly volunteered to go, and after some discussion, they agreed and I went out.

   I held out my gun in preparation of any sudden attack. The car lights behind me also lit the allyway. I began talking to them.

   "This is the police! Put you're hands up! We have you surrounded!" The other didn't put their hands up. I sighed in displeasure of having to hurt someone, but it was for the greater good.
   "Sir! I'm gonna have to have you put you're hands up right now or I'll be forced to shoot." The other still didn't move. He just continued to stand still.
   "One!" I yelled. Still nothing
   "Two!" I yelled once more. Still no movement.
   "Three!" I said as I pulled the trigger. The other still didn't move. Almost as if, distracted by something. Well, it was to late anyways.

   I watched the bullet fly toward the person just standing there. I hadn't gotten a good look at their face because of the blinding car lights and the distance between us. But looking at the person now, they looked so familiar. I watched the bullet slowly fly towards their chest when all of a sudden, a black tentacle had wrapped around the others waist and pulled him upwards to the rooftops of the buildings.

   Before they fully disappeared, I got a look at the others face.

   I froze after recognizing who was infront of me. Who I was aiming my gun at. Who I almost shot and killed.

  It made no sense though. Why didn't he say something? Why was he here in the first place? Why was he running from the police?


I shook away the thought.

It couldn't be.

But, it could be.

Could it be that my little brother had become a criminal?


So yeah! That was the first chapter for Same Blood, Different Story. Unfortunately, it didn't go anywhere after that. But you guys can take it if you want. If this inspired you to continue it, or write your own story, be my guest and have fun doing it!

Alright, I think that should be it I believe. If you want more smaller unfinished text like this, I should have some (probably not but I could always look) if you wanted me to post them again. And if you liked my writing check out some of my other books because I'm sure you would enjoy them as well. And if you don't, then go read some other people's stuff and uh... have fun doing that.

Yet again, You can change the names, character, story, anything. I'm just here to help and inspire! Bye love y'all :3

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