An Angsty ErrorxReaper Idea

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So, this might have been done already, I didn't look into it, and I haven't seen that much ErrorxReaper stories, but this thought just came to me.
Also, this one is kinda angsty and might be a bit sad if you're an emotional mess at 12 am.
So, basically the gist of Error x Reaper is, Afterdeath, Geno x Reaper.  But, after some time, Geno messed around with his determination and became Error. This may or may not be canon, I tried looking into this and it hurt my brain so... I think it's true. Don't quote me on that.

Anyways, so, how would Afterdeath work if Geno is now Error? Easy. Reaper x Error. But then I was thinking, what about Goth, and Raven, and the other ship kids for Afterdeath? How would they react to their mom figure now being this Error dude? Would they belive that as fact? Would they try to fight against it? Would it break their heart? Would Error accept the kids as his own?

And then this got me thinking, how did Reaper find out about Geno turning into Error? How would he figure that out? Especially if Error forgot everything when he was Geno.

I just have this scene playing in my head, it's like those comics by Nekophy who is the creator of Goth (specifically the one where Goth meets Geno for the first time) where Goth asks to see Geno again, then what would Reaper do? Tell him he can't and pull an excuse out of his nonexistent ass? Or tell him the truth, that his mother figure got bored and decided to mess around with his determination and he turned into this glitching destroyer called Error who doesn't remember shit from being Geno. Of course because he's a good dad he would sugar coat the story, but still! And how would Goth react? Would he cry? Would he be okay with it. Of course, it depends on his age. Realistically, he would probably be older and understanding, but also maybe once he's done with his conversation with Reaper about the whole situation, goes home and cries about it, and gets comforted by Palette because Poth uwu. But, it's also more angstier if Goth was just a little kid, who didn't really understand this stuff. And if he was told the heart breaking news? How would that affect him?

Also, what if little Goth met Error? Would he try to trigger a memory out of him, hopefully make it work. But of course, the angsty version, it doesn't and Goth gets upset and maybe feels a little lost and like a part of him has been taken away. And, would Error care about this kid, or would he be like "uh.... I don't know what to do with this small skeleton.... I may have broken it possibly?" Would he feel betrayed? Heartbroken? Would he try to like Error, and get him to accept him like Error did with Reaper?

There are just a lot of things jumbling in my mind, I don't know if any of this made sense. I would totally try to write something like this, but I don't know if I'm up to writing angst right at this moment. Maybe later, but right now this idea is free for the taking. I could also write a story where this does happen and there is a happy wholesome ending where Error tries to get his crap together and be a good dad for Geno's kids, succeeds, and they all live happily ever after. Possibly... maybe... no promises.... but maybe.....

You can change the names, character, story, anything. I'm just here to help and inspire!

This chapter kind of went off the rails and really messed me up because I'm a sensitive bean at 12 almost 1 a.m. though, it is an interesting concept. Like I mentioned, I might write something about this now that I'm thinking about it, but don't let me stop you. Write whatever you like and whatever you think about. I'm sure it'll turn out amazing, even if it makes me cry. It'll be an amazing cry.

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