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Monday 7:20 am

"Bitch we're gonna be fucking late— WE ARE fucking late. GET OUT OF THE SHOWER" I banged on the bathroom door yelling at my sister


I sighed heavily trying not to spazz out, "WASH YO ASS TOO HOE" I yelled at her one more time before going back to my closet.

Kika yelled something back but I was already too far from the bathroom door to hear her. It's been two days since I asked Silas to stay with me since his parents kicked him out and it's going well.. kinda?

"Baby you gotta get up," I said loud enough for him to hear me but all I got was a groan as he still laid on the couch not moving.

"Silas I'm really not about play with you, GET YOUR ASS UP" I yelled now throwing a stuffed animal at him.

It seemed like I'd been yelling a lot this morning, but it's not my fault. If people would wake up and get dressed when asked the first time or took a shower the night before we really wouldn't be in this position.

"Okaaaay! Damn.." Silas whined slowly getting up from the couch.

"About fucking time" I cursed underneath my breath as I picked up a pair of black flared pants and a cropped sweater with big sleeves.

The shower turned off FINALLY and I silently thanked the universe. Some, and i say that very loosely, of my anxiety went away while I got changed in my closet door still open not really caring to think about privacy.

Kika thankfully came out of the bathroom more than half of the way done with being ready. I went to the bathroom with Silas trailing behind me like a damn puppy so that he can get dressed too.

He already had some clothes at our house from past stays so he basically had an outfit already prepared for him. While Silas got dressed I started doing my hair but not really trying much since I put that bitch in a low ponytail.

A bitch doesn't have time

After finishing slicking down my hair I do some half-assed baby hairs and swish around some mouthwash before spitting it out. My boyfriend said fuck doing his hair and did the same thing as me with the mouthwash.

I grab my bag, put on my shoes, then picked my keys up from the key holder. "Alright let's go for real for real," I said making sure Kika and Silas were ready.

"Let's bounce, a pimp is stressed," Kika said putting her shades on whilst walking past me with her pen in hand already hitting it.

"Perfect," I said following her down the stairs

The three of us got outside, as I walked to the driver side I heard Kika say, "You're in back" and pointed to Silas whilst opening the passenger door"

Silas smacked his lips, "Man iian wanna be in front anyways" my boyfriend rolled his eyes as he got in the back.

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