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It's been two weeks since my overdose and Silas has been at my house almost everyday since then. On top of that his parents were being more aggressive with him recently so he's been fluctuating from my house to Aarons.

I'm not gonna say that it doesn't bother me that he's over there because it really does bother me, I just don't want to start anything. It's just how are you still talking to someone who treated your girlfriend so badly that drove her to relapse. I don't know, I guess that's just me.

5:25 pm

"So you're gonna come over tonight?" Maddy asked me from the other line as we facetimed

I decided I needed to be with my best friend for a minute to get a distraction from everything. "Duh, I miss you hoe annnddd I wanna get drunk tonight" I giggled while currently giving myself a bubble bath in my dad's bathroom since he isn't home and his tub has jets in it.

"Drunk for sure" She laughed agreeing

I watched her do her makeup which is something I do often. I've always adored Maddy... her confidence, her strength, and the way she bounces back from any inconvenience like it never happened.

Those are all things I wish I had or were better at. "So do you want to be just us tonight or do you wanna invite anyone else?" Maddy asked applying gems to her eyes

I crave time with Maddy alone, I really do. Have you ever had a friend that was your bestfriend in your eyes but you weren't their bestfriend? Our friendship was like that

Yes it hurts at times, but there's really nothing I can do about it. It's not like Maddy is a bad friend and leaves me to hang out with Cassie all the time, just the bonds are different

Besides..I don't like trios

Sometimes, I wonder if Kika feels like this with Rue. Before Jules came to town those two were inseparable, even before Rue went to rehab. There was one point in time when Rue basically lived with us.

Kika, Rue, and I would always drive home from school, go upstairs and just smoke our until we greened out. My dad works nights so all of the evidence would be long gone before he got home.

"Just us tonight..if you don't mind," I say playing with the bubbles in the water.

I wanted to tell Maddy what happened because...well like I said she's my best friend.

"That's fine with me, love. My parents are gone for the night so we have the wholeee house to ourselves" She smiled at the camera making me smile too.

"Perfect, perfect, perfect"

"Indeed it is my dear friend"

There was silence after that, not awkward, just quiet. So I decided to break it, "have you talked to Nate since the party or?"

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