Qing: Okay, C plus for effort.

Me: Give me a B minus and I will shut up about it.

Qing: (rolling his eyes) Fine, B minus for efforts.

I smiled, feeling acknowledged.

(You are so...easy to please...)

Still, I feel anxious. I really feel like its my fault why Mama and Auntie are now cold to each other. They refuse to talk to each other and straighten things out. And I also worry that Qing, JiJi and Zhu Gege are all acting cavalier about their mothers having a clash.

JiJi: Its not like this is the first time they went cold to each other. Just let them stew for some time and they will soon see sense and talk to each other again. Stop worrying.

Wang Zhu: We've always known that Mama and Auntie has different personalities and opinions on things. So they said harsh words to each other, they will soon realize their wrongs and will sit down to talk. They'll be fine.

Qing: Stay out of it. Mama already told you, remember? Why won't you listen to your mother?

Me: (to Qing) I hate you.

I sulked on our room and think of why all of these happened. It started with that wrestling match I had with Qing that gave my arms bruises and me saying yes to having tea with Mama and Auntie before all the bruises faded.

That afternoon tea started well enough. Mama invited us to the museleom to host us for tea. Auntie traveled down South and she gave us souvenirs. Some sweet delicacies and I was thankful that she remembered to buy me some. She is still feeling grateful to me because I talked to Pau when Pau and Zhu Gege had a conflict some months ago.

But while we were having tea and discussing the next agenda on their foundation, Auntie noticed something peeking on the folded sleeve of my button down shirt.

Auntie: Dayu ah, is that a bruise?

Me: (looking down at my right arm) Ah...yes.

I tried pulling down the sleeve but Mama stopped me. She surveyed my arms and saw several bruises on them.

Mama: What happened?

Me: Oh...I was clumsy.

Clumsy enough to challenge Qing to a wrestling match and we got rough on each other.

Auntie: (not believing my answer) Clumsy? (sighing) Dayu ah...should I tell you a story of a woman I met a year ago? She sported bruises as well and she said she was clumsy. Turns out, she was a battered wife of a brute man who hit her when his head is full of liquor. She left the man when he went from hitting her to strangling her until she passed out.

Mama: Oh my...is she okay?

Auntie: She is okay now. She advocates for women who went through the same thing as her. I met her at a conference a year ago. She still has scars from struggling and fighting her ex.

Mama: (sighing) She is lucky she got away. She is so brave.

Auntie: She is, but we all know not all women living with abusive partners gets to escape. Not all of them survives. She did and she is doing the God's work of helping others. (looking at me) Dayu ah, are you sure you just got clumsy?

Me: Oh! Of course...Auntie...surely...

Mama: (suddenly frowning) Surely you are not suggesting that Qing is an abusive brute who hits Dayu. Auntie...?

Auntie: Of course I am not. But what do we know really? We won't know what really happens between a couple when their door is closed. It won't hurt if we will ask, is it?

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