Untitled Part 31

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Chapter 31

   "All right, talk." I demanded Saraphine.

   "Where would you like me to start?"

   "Anywhere, somewhere, I don't care I just want answers and I want them now." I stalked over to my bed and plopped down on the soft sheet.

   "For the answers you desire you must know that this, everything that has happened and is happening, is for a reason."

   "I don't need your cryptic words I just want the truth. What is going on?"

   Feeling her overwhelming desire to go kill something had me bite my tongue in fear. "Sweet Julianna you were always so innocent. Always so kind. You always did what you were told and never fought back. Never had a backbone. I guess that was expected of you though having your real parents abandon you the way they did. You never thought to speak up for yourself. And when Cole's father finally saw the potential in you he tormented you. You, being the good girl you were, took it. Little did Cole's father know that that abuse only made this possible." She chuckled a throaty laugh.

   "Made what possible?"

   "If Cole's father never had laid a hand on you you would have never been able to tap into that angry that drives you. The anger that makes you strong. He was a fool who believed that breaking you would tear that fiery spirit right from under you, but he only sealed his fate. He sealed all of their fate's. You, Julia, are the key. The key to our success. The success of my brothers and sisters. The success of my Master."

   "Wolves don't have masters. Your a part of me." I insisted a churning feeling bubbling up in my stomach. "You have to be."

   "Oh, but I am a part of you, Julia. Just not in the way you'd hope. We had to wait for the exact moment that your spirit would snap. And when that time came we pounced all over it. The night Page died we saw your heart, you had so much hate toward the pack we new it was then that we had to act."

   "Who? Who had to act?"

   "My brothers and sisters and I of course. We had to get you when you'd be most vulnerable to believe a pathetic little lie, like the kind of lie when I said I was your wolf."

   "Your not my wolf!" I asked disbelievingly, "No, your lying! I am a wearwolf!"

   "No, Julia, you are not. You are the farthest thing from one of those drooling mutts. We are more than them. Like you I have always been an outcast. That is until he found me. He saved me and my soul and made me into what I am today." Saraphine reminisced happily.

   "And what are you?"

   "A demon of course and you are our little prodigy."

   "That--that's not--"

   "It is. All this time I've been feeding you lies and you ate them up just like we planned. We've had this planned since the very beginning. All this time we've been scheming waiting for the right chance to make you ours. When we finally had you, we used you, and are still using you to get our revenge."

   "I can't belie--revenge for what?"

   "On the wearwolves. A thousand years ago they banished us from this place. We were already casted down once and they did it a second time. We could not feed off the negative energy of the humans anymore. We could not stir up chaos as we pleased because we were banished from ever stepping foot on this earth again. As you can see the only way we can get our place in this world back is through you. You were made to help us. You and you alone are the one who is going to kill every single werewolf on this planet. Then we shall rule once and for all. We will finally show these dogs what it's like to live underground in the cold dark earth."

   "But why me? How could you possibly deceive me this whole time?" I stammered as I paced the room.

   "Quite easily really. You were so deprived of attention that when I came along and gave that to you you ate it up right away. It also helped that I disguised myself as a hellhound and passed it off as a werewolf." She snickered.

   "A-a hellhound! You I was--"

   "Yes, all this time you've never been one of them. Always the outcast isn't that right, Julianna?"

   "You can't be."

   "I am. This whole plan that you thought you came up with, making the pack pay, making everyone one. It was all our plan and we whispered it to you in the night so that you'd think it was you thinking it the whole time. How ignorant you are to believe any of it."

   My head was spinning. All this time...all this time I had thought I was in control but really I was just the puppet with the strings. Everything I knew was a lie. Lie after lie after lie and I believed every single one of them. Granted my anger was my own. My pain was my own. So was my vengeance against the pack but the ideas that I thought had been mine had really been theirs. Always theirs, never mine.

   "Who is he?"

   "Who is who, sweet Julia?"

   "You know who." I ground out.

   Giggling she said, "My masters name is one of legend."

   With one last hiss from her lips the truth was reveled to me. Frozen solid I stood paralyzed in my room repeating the same name over and over again in my head.

      Then I threw up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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