Chapter 2 (Revised)

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Chapter 2 

   I ran like there was no tomorrow. Away from all of my problems, away from all of the hurt. This is how it was meant to be. This...this is how it is to be free. The ungentle winds meeting each other half way and then coming together to form a front so strong only the tree trunks could stand the force. The midnight sky, with a big circular moon, just waiting for me to follow. My heart racing at unimaginable speeds just to get a taste of this so called adrenaline coursing through my veins. It felt good. For once in my life I didn't have to serve anyone to make them happy. I could make myself happy. I will make myself whole again. I will fill this void inside my corpse and live. 

   What struck me out of my daydream was the loud snap of a branch. I skated to a stop and swirled around to see a large black wolf standing behind me. Even without knowing who this was, I knew what this was. 

   "What do you want, rouge?" My voice boomed throughout the woods. Making even me shiver at the hard stone clip that now surfaced and took over my once sweet and innocent voice. 

   "The better question is...what are you doing here, little girl? These parts of the forest aren't exactly friendly to your kind." His now shifted form asked me. Whoever said that when werewolves shift we loose are clothing, they were just pulling your leg. It's just an old spokes tale.  

   "Running. Why do you ask when I sense you already knew that?" I replied quite indifferently. 

   He chuckled, his chest rumbling with the movement. "I see, you are no fool, Julia. I admire that in a person. And such a lovely person at that." He reached his hand up to caress the side of my cheek. I swatted his hand away in a matter of seconds. 

   "Go find your own play toy elsewhere, I'm not interested." I stomped away from him, my anger fuming with every step. Wherever this newfound courage came from, I have no idea, but I liked ever ounce of it. Especially because this guy was so unnerving.

   I could hear him jog to catch up with me but before I could turn around, he had already captured my forearms and twisted them behind my back. His body resting on the back of mine. "Don't be stupid, Julia. Its unwise to treat me the way you do." He whistled through his teeth. 

   "I don't care what you want, rouge, now unhand me." I threatened. 

   "Oh, Julia, my sweet sweet, Julia. You surly are a riot you know that." He chuckled, releasing my arms in the process. Before I could escape, however, he had clasped his rough hand around my throat. "Now, onto the more fun part of this conversation. As you may think I'm a rouge wolf, I'm not. Far from that actually. Lets just say, for the heck of it, that I'm not even a wolf. That what I seek right now is a place to rest and regain my strength. As I'm sure you would like to do the same, right?" He notched an eyebrow at me, "You see, Julia, we are the same. We are both alone with no one who loves us, all you have to do is open your eyes and see it." He spoke, his lips skimming the bare flesh of my ear lobe.  

   "I am nothing like you!" I spat out. 

  He merely chuckled, again. "We will see each other again someday, Julia. Maybe not anytime soon but in the near future, I can guarantee, we will face off." 

   "Why not right now?" I roared and spun around in his arms. 

   "You are to weak and I prefer we settle this when we both have our full strength. The fight would be an unfair win and you have yet to train yourself." 


   "Nu uh, it's rude to interrupt, let me finish first." He said tapping his index finger on his lips. "Ah, yes now I remember. You see are paths are entwined, we were meant to meet and fight to death, and only one of us will prevail." His dark eyes bore into mine, making my knees wobbly. "Times a ticking, Julia, you'd best be on your way but don't let it escape your mind that this day was inevitable from the start." With his last words said, in a blink of an eye, all that was left of him was a puff of smoke. 

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