Check this out!!!!!!

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Ok so this is not a chapter!!!! Sorry if I gave your hopes up, really I am!!!!!

No, this is me talking about my new story!!! It's called The Whispering, yes, it's a fantasy as most of my books are. But this one is not really going to be like Alpha with the whole dark scary stuff, it will be more along the lines of romance mixed in with a tad of deception. It would mean a lot to me if you checked it out and told me if you liked it or not.

Yes, Alpha hasn't been updated in about 3 weeks and I'm truly sorry that I haven't. I keep promising that ill update and I don't break a promise. I just haven't been in the mood to write at the moment on top of my studies. But I haven't forgotten about it trust me. I have half of it written so far and i'll be hurrying to get it out to all of you.

As for my other book Unmasked that one is still on hold because of alpha but I will start it up again after I'm finished. I may sparsely update that one but as for now I won't be.

Lastly for my other book Awakened I'm still debating if I should take that one down or not. I'll leave it up for about another month or so and if I don't feel like completing it then I'll say "BYE BYE!"

Again thanks for reading and CHECK OUT THE WHISPERING!!!!

That's it for now my lovelies!!!


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